
Decision for M&M Kerr Limited, transport manager and drivers

Written decision of the Traffic Commissioner for Scotland for M&M Kerr Limited, transport manager and drivers




Pursuant to an adverse finding in terms of Sections 26(1)(c)(iii), 26(1)(ca), 26(1)(f), 27(1)(a) and 27(1)(b), of the Good Vehicles (Licensing of Operators) Act 1995 (the 1995 Act) operator’s licence OM1110492 is revoked with effect from 23:59 on 12 January 2024.

Transport manager Michael Kerr no longer satisfies the requirement to be of good repute for the purposes of paragraph 14A(1)(b) of Schedule 3 to the 1995 Act.

Michael Kerr is disqualified for a period of 12 months from engaging in the role of transport manager. The period of disqualification shall commence at 23:59 on 12 January 2024.

Published 8 January 2024