
Crown Commercial Service update: August 2018

Published 7 August 2018

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1. Annual Report and Accounts 2017/18

CCS has published its Annual Report and Account for 2017/18, outlining a year of good progress. Read the full report

2. digitech18 – the importance of SMEs within tech

The recent launch of G-Cloud 10 has seen a whole host of new SME tech suppliers appear on the public sector procurement scene.

Valued for their innovation and agility, often locally based thereby benefitting local economies and viewed by many as being key to the disaggregation of larger contracts, the role of SMEs will feature strongly in the digitech18 programme.

In support of this SME focus we are delighted to welcome Emma Jones, Small Business Crown Representative who will be offering advice on how to ease the way for small businesses to sell to your organisation in order that you may capitalise on the advantages that they can offer.

digitech18 is a new and innovative event aimed at everyone with an interest in technology for the UK public sector.

The event is free of charge for public sector delegates and will provide you with access to some of the UK’s leading technology experts in our two theatres, covering commercial excellence, the changing technology market, transformation and policy.

Spaces are strictly limited so please register today to ensure you don’t miss out.

3. Have your say in developing our digitisation programme

As part of our ongoing commitment to engage with customers early and at every opportunity, we would like to invite your input into the development of our digitisation programme - we want to ensure that the interface is going to meet your needs.

The survey will take no more than 10 minutes to complete and your feedback will be invaluable.

Take part in our survey and have your say today.

4. Technology Products aggregation customer workshops round up

Following on from our customer workshops held last year, we reviewed and considered all of the feedback we received.

We can safely say that the events were a huge success, receiving circa 3,000 separate pieces of feedback, highlighting a few different trends and some interesting suggestions.

Positive comments included the clear defined processes, compliant, standardised documentation and the additional value they received such as savings in time and resource.

We have taken the feedback and quickly implemented a number of improvements, please see a few detailed below:

  • Introduced a structured communication plan and embedded as part of our standard operating procedure to ensure all parties are kept informed and relevant guidance information provided
  • Utilising different marketing channels and types of marketing media – we produced a video to help customers better understand the process and benefits of taking part view the video on our aggregation webpage
  • Collaborating with our marketing team to publicise aggregation opportunities via webpage, Twitter feed and LinkedIn more frequently and links included within team email signatures Introduced option for customer webinars
  • Where appropriate a webinar or audio call offered to customer group to assist with transition to successful supplier
  • Sector specific competitions – the aggregation team are looking at increasing opportunities to aggregate on sector, such as education, health and police and emergency services

We also have a number of other improvements underway and planned, such as:

  • Customer feedback forms being created to capture improvements for future aggregated procurements
  • Future aggregation workshop events
  • Customer journey document underway to assist customers with a generic process for participating in an aggregated procurement
  • Aggregated procurement pipeline
  • Review pricing mechanisms, such as ceiling pricing and price validity periods Increase standardisation of requirements by developing closer relationships with stakeholder groups

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who provided feedback and we look forward to helping you with your Technology Products requirements in future aggregations.

Register your interest in future aggregations by filling out our form and quoting ‘aggregation’, or find out more on our aggregation page.

5. Share your views on employee services

CCS is developing a new commercial agreement for employee benefits, reward and recognition and would like your views to ensure the framework meets your needs.

The new framework will include childcare vouchers, cycle to work scheme, employee discounts and a range of other benefits, as well as reward and recognition schemes.

We are keen to make sure it meets the needs of all our customers across the public and third sector, so please take a few minutes to complete this short questionnaire.

The framework is expected to be available from March 2019 to replace our existing Employee Services framework (RM3704).

6. Highways England rollout driverless car tech to enhance data

Highways England has utilised Crown Commercial Service’s traffic management technology offering to rollout connected and autonomous vehicles across the UK.

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) will improve gathering and dissemination of data, together with better information provision, leading to better informed drivers and improved journeys. In order to realise the real world CAV testing on the Strategic Road Network, Highways England required a flexible resource pool of skilled and experienced experts in vehicular communications, cyber security, in-vehicle systems, traffic data management, and business models. Highways England ran a competition via the Crown Commercial Service Traffic Management Technology 2 (RM1089) framework. Due to the scope of Contracting Authorities permitted to use the framework, Highways England was able to aggregate its demand with its other CAV project partners, resulting in reduced day rates and a reduced contract management overhead.

Read our full case study.

7. Aggregation opportunities

7.1 Fleet

We run 3 vehicle eAuctions a year as by combining customer requirements we can help organisations make great savings on the whole life costs of vehicles – whether you need 1 or 1,000. We do this by using standardised vehicle specifications and our bulk buying power to make your requirements more attractive to suppliers, meaning customers can save as much as 40% on manufacturer’s retail price.

Our eAuctions are run under lots 1 and 2 of the Vehicle Purchase (RM1070) framework. Any volume or vehicle type can be considered, and we can also help you if you want to lease rather than buy vehicles.

The next planned eAuctions will be :

  • 10 October 2018: deadline for involvement 29 August 2018
  • 13 February 2019: deadline for involvement 2 January 2019

To find out more about getting involved please get in touch – simply tick the aggregation box and quote Fleet eAuctions

7.2 Fuels

Our National Fuels framework gives you access to a variety of solid and liquid fuels, including liquified gas, greases, lubricants and antifreeze.

We are running quarterly aggregated further competitions to deliver you the best prices, and recommend you consider joining the next aggregation if you have new requirements, or would like to add new sites to your existing arrangements for the start of the next financial year. By joining an aggregation you will benefit from an easy route to market, with options for both regional and national suppliers.

If you are interested in taking part in the next aggregation please get in touch – simply tick the aggregation box and quote RM3801 – National Fuels.

7.3 Mobile voice and data

We run 3 aggregations per year for Mobile Voice and Data under RM1045 Network Services Lot 6. Please see below for dates of next procurement.

Benefits are:

  • better pricing as a result of a larger aggregate volume
  • we manage and operate the procurement on your behalf, reducing the cost and risk of the procurement exercise
  • co-terminus contract term meaning all connections will cease on a common end date ending ragged contract end dates
  • a phased migration approach over a 1 year period (of 75% of nominated connections); allowing Customers, who are still in contract for many of their connections, to migrate over time without incurring early termination charges
  • a ‘Build Your Own’ Tariff approach, with a base connection with no line rental charge, negating zero-use costs

Who can participate?

To determine whether mobile aggregation is right for you and to make the most of the opportunity you should:

  • have a requirement for mobile voice and data services now, or a requirement that will need fulfilling within the next 12 months
  • be able to accept the network coverage from the suppliers listed under lot 6 of RM1045
  • be confident that you will fulfil your requirement via the aggregated competition
  • be sure that the content and structure of the service description meets your needs (when determined and shared)
  • be in a position to migrate your requirement onto the new contract by the end of the first year

Scope of procurements

The suppliers will be provided with a list of services to be priced including but not limited to:

  • voice, SMS, MMS
  • data
  • roaming voice, SMS, MMS and data for Europe, North America and rest of the world
  • equipment credits to support the purchase of devices.

Our last competition saved 17 customers over £2.7 million. Read more in this case study.

Dates of next procurement:


  • July – August 2018: gathering expressions of interest from customers
  • Mid September 2018: customer commitment required
  • October 2018: procurement based on committed customer volume
  • Early November 2018: award to winning bidder and customers enter into contract

To express your interest get in touch by 24 August – simply tick the aggregation box and quote ‘NFC96 mobiles aggregation’.

Want to learn more about how our free to use aggregation service works? Watch our short film

8. Technology webinars

We all know that the technology landscape is fast-paced and constantly evolving. Whether you are an experienced tech buyer or new to this area, our upcoming webinars are a great way to hear from our commercial specialists and ensure that you are getting the best solution for your organisation.

8.1 NFC96 Mobile Voice & Data Aggregation

Learn more about the upcoming CCS aggregation for Mobile Voice and Data via our Network Services framework – including the scope, process and how to begin your savings analysis. We recently helped 13 customers (totalling over 20,000 connections) save £1.9m – an average indicative saving of 50% compared to the prices customers were paying.

9 August 11:00am - register

14 August 11:00am - register

8.2 Technology Products 2

Join our customer overview of the different ways you can use our agreement for all your IT hardware and commodity software needs, including access to our extensive online catalogue, the Purchasing Platform.

23 August 10:30am - register

8.3 Tech Services 2

Covering everything from operational services through to transition and transformation. Join us for this overview of the Tech Services 2 framework covering what you can buy and how you can buy it.

30 August 2:00pm - register

9. Estates Professional Services and PMFDTS Webinars

We are hosting a series of webinars to help explain what, and how, you can buy estates professional services and project management solutions through our agreements.

9.1 Intro to Estates Professional Services and Project Management and Full Design Team Services

Join our 30 minute webinar to introduce you to our Estates Professional Services and Project Management and Full Design Team Services agreements and how they can provide an efficient, effective and compliant solution.

9.2 Estates Professional Services and Project Management and Full Design Team Services – Next steps

Now that you know more about our EPS and PMFDTS frameworks, this 30 minute webinar explains your next steps in engaging with the suppliers and refining your procurement plans, navigating the various cost models and understanding supplier rates, and then hints and tips on how to tender for your project, whether through direct award or further competition.

9.3 Estates Professional Services – going deeper

Our Estates Professional Services framework provides you with a single solution for all your professional property related services. This 30 minute webinar goes deeper in to the structure of the framework, the features and benefits of it, the supplier base and answers your frequently asked questions on why this is the best solution for your organisation.

18 October 11:15am – register

9.4 Project Management & Full Design Team Services – going deeper

This 30 minute webinar will help you fully understand the breadth of our Project Management & Full Design Team Services agreement: how the 6 lots cover the wide range of disciplines and services, how to buy through the framework, and how our best in class supplier management process all ensure you achieve the best value in construction services.

23 October 11:15am – register

10. Language Services webinar

Join us for a webinar on Thursday 13 September to find out the best way to access a wide range of interpreting and translation services:

  • 250 languages / dialects covered
  • 75% of suppliers are SMEs
  • modern technology solutions
  • 24/7/365 service
  • regional structure
  • UK based, security cleared translators available
  • fixed prices for telephone translations
  • translation formats include braille, audio and large print

13 September 11:00am - register

11. Spend Analysis and Recovery Services webinar

Join Paul Davies, our Commercial Agreements Lead for Financial Services, for this 60 minute webinar to learn more about the SARS framework. It will give you an overview of the Spend Analysis and Recovery Services framework, what are the benefits, the lotting structure and how they work and the difference between direct award and running a further competition.

15 August 11:30am - register

12. Upcoming events

12.1 Digitech18 – the technology & procurement showcase for the public sector

Digitech18 is a new and innovative event aimed at everyone with an interest in technology for the UK public sector. Bringing together a wide range of speakers and workshops, the event will help to demystify the technology landscape and showcase some of the latest technology solutions that are helping to transform the way in which public sector organisations deliver services for citizens.

Timed to reflect the urgent pressures faced by public sector organisations in delivering their digital transformation agendas, including tacking IT disaggregation and transitioning services to the cloud, digitech18 is set to be a must attend event for all public sector organisations.

With speakers and partners from SOCITM, GDS, CCS, Cabinet Office and the Local Government Association and many more there is something to appeal to technology leads and commercial teams from across the entire public sector. Delegates will learn more about how they can procure and deliver transformational change in their own organisation and maximise the benefits that their technology spend can provide.

The event is free of charge for public sector delegates and will provide you with access to some of the UK’s leading technology experts in our two theatres, covering commercial excellence, the changing technology market, transformation and policy.

Spaces are strictly limited so please register today to ensure you don’t miss out.

13. New framework

14. Recently expired frameworks

15. Framework extensions

16.1 Mystery Shopper results

You can view the latest Mystery Shopper results to see how the scheme is helping to improve procurement practices across the public sector and support our ambition to make doing business with government as easy as possible for small businesses.

16.2 Procurement policy

If you are looking for public procurement policy guidance please take a look at our public procurement policy page

Looking for a particular procurement policy note? View the collection of all procurement policy notes.

16.3 Procurement tools

17. Sign up for email alerts

You can sign up for immediate, daily or weekly email alerts which will tell you what we have added or updated on the GOV.UK website. It is a great way to stay up to date with the latest news and information from CCS.

Sign up for email alerts by providing your email address and selecting the frequency you wish to receive updates.

If you need further information about anything in this update please do not hesitate to contact us by email or call our customer service team on 0345 410 2222

You can also follow us on Twitter and connect with us on LinkedIn.