
Pre COVID-19 vaccination booking checklist for parents of children aged 12 to 15 years

Updated 17 November 2021

This guidance was withdrawn on

This publication was withdrawn because it is out of date. For the latest information see the COVID-19 vaccination programme collection.

Applies to England

Before taking your child for a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine please consider the following questions.

If you answer yes to any of the questions below you may need to give further details to the doctor or nurse at the vaccination centre, who will make a decision on whether it is okay to go ahead with vaccination on the day. Please bring any information with you that may be helpful for the doctor.

Has your child had a COVID-19 vaccine before?

For example as part of a trial, or because they are in an at risk group.

Has your child had an illness with a temperature (fever) in the last week?

Has your child had any other vaccines in the last 7 days?

Has your child got any long-term medical conditions that require on-going hospital treatment or are they waiting to see a specialist?

Has your child had a positive COVID-19 test in the last 12 weeks?

If your child has had a positive COVID-19 test and is at high risk, you should wait for at least 4 weeks from the date of the positive test and until they are recovered to make their vaccination appointment.

Other children ideally should wait 12 weeks from a positive test.

Has your child ever had to go to hospital following a severe allergic reaction?

If so, what was the cause?