
Annex 2a: List of Higher Tier multi-year options

Published 25 February 2021

Applies to England

List includes the code, name and payment rate for each Higher Tier multi-year option.

Code Option Name Option Payment Rate
AB1 Nectar flower mix £511 per hectare
AB2 Basic overwinter stubble £84 per hectare
AB3 Beetle banks £573
AB4 Skylark plots £18 per hectare (£9 per plot, minimum 2 plots per hectare)
AB5 Nesting plots for lapwing and stone curlew £524 per hectare
AB6 Enhanced overwinter stubble £436 per hectare
AB7 Whole crop cereals £495 per hectare
AB8 Flower-rich margins and plots £539 per hectare
AB9 Winter bird food £640 per hectare
AB10 Unharvested cereal headland £640 per hectare
AB11 Cultivated areas for arable plants £532 per hectare
AB12 Supplementary winter feeding for farmland birds £632 per tonne (for every 2 hectares of winter bird food)
AB13 Brassica fodder crop £100 per hectare
AB14 Harvested low input cereal £266 per hectare
AB15 Two year sown legume fallow £522 per hectare
AB16 Autumn sown bumblebird mix £550 per hectare
BE1 Protection of in-field trees on arable land £420 per hectare
BE2 Protection of in-field trees on intensive grassland £190 per hectare
BE3 Management of hedgerows £8 per 100 meters for 1 side of a hedge
BE4 Management of traditional orchard £212 per hectare
BE5 Creation of traditional orchards £281 per hectare
BE6 Veteran tree surgery £221 per tree
BE7 Supplement for restorative pruning of fruit trees £62 per tree
CT1 Management of coastal sand dunes and vegetated shingle £217 per hectare
CT2 Creation of coastal sand dunes and vegetated shingle on arable land and improved grassland £314 per hectare
CT3 Management of coastal saltmarsh £77 per hectare
CT4 Creation of inter-tidal and saline habitat on arable land £442 per hectare
CT5 Creation of inter-tidal and saline habitat by non-intervention £271 per hectare
CT6 Coastal vegetation management supplement £117 per hectare
CT7 Creation of inter-tidal and saline habitat on intensive grassland £276 per hectare
ED1 Educational access £290 per visit
GS1 Take field corners out of management £365 per hectare
GS2 Permanent grassland with very low inputs (outside SDAs) £95 per hectare
GS3 Ryegrass seed-set as winter food for birds £331 per hectare
GS4 Legume and herb-rich swards £309 per hectare
GS5 Permanent grassland with very low inputs in SDAs £16 per hectare
GS6 Management of species-rich grassland £182 per hectare
GS7 Restoration towards species-rich grassland £145 per hectare
GS8 Creation of species-rich grassland £267 per hectare
GS9 Management of wet grassland for breeding waders £264 per hectare
GS10 Management of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl £157 per hectare
GS11 Creation of wet grassland for breeding waders £406 per hectare
GS12 Creation of wet grassland for wintering waders and wildfowl £310 per hectare
GS13 Management of grassland for target features £90 per hectare
GS14 Creation of grassland for target features £253 per hectare
GS15 Haymaking supplement £85 per hectare
GS16 Rush infestation control supplement £73 per hectare
GS17 Lenient grazing supplement £44 per hectare
HS1 Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings £3.25 per square metre
HS2 Take historic and archaeological features out of cultivation £425 per hectare
HS3 Reduced-depth, non-inversion cultivation on historic and archaeological features £79 per hectare
HS4 Scrub control on historic and archaeological features £137 per hectare
HS5 Management of historic and archaeological features on grassland £30 per hectare
HS6 Maintenance of designed / engineered water bodies £440 per hectare
HS7 Management of historic water meadows through traditional irrigation £440 per hectare
HS8 Maintenance of weatherproof traditional farm buildings in remote areas £6.73/ per square metre
HS9 Restricted depth crop establishment to protect archaeology under an arable rotation £174 per hectare
LH1 Management of lowland heathland £274 per hectare
LH2 Restoration of forestry and woodland to lowland heathland £184 per hectare
LH3 Creation of heathland from arable or improved grassland £517 per hectare
OP1 Overwintered stubble £116 per hectare
OP2 Wild bird seed mixture £640 per hectare
OP3 Supplementary feeding for farmland birds £494 per tonne (for every 2 hectares of wild bird seed mixture)
OP4 Multi species ley £115 per hectare
OP5 Undersown cereal £86 per hectare
OR1 Organic conversion – improved permanent grassland £75 per hectare
OR2 Organic conversion – unimproved permanent grassland £50 per hectare
OR3 Organic conversion – rotational land £175 per hectare
OR4 Organic conversion – horticulture £400 per hectare
OR5 Organic conversion – top fruit £450 per hectare
OT1 Organic land management – improved permanent grassland £40 per hectare
OT2 Organic land management – unimproved permanent grassland £20 per hectare
OT3 Organic land management – rotational land £65 per hectare
OT4 Organic land management – horticulture £200 per hectare
OT5 Organic land management – top fruit £300 per hectare
OT6 Organic land management – enclosed rough grazing £8 per hectare
SP1 Difficult sites supplement £62 per hectare
SP2 Raised water level supplement £127 per hectare
SP3 Bracken control supplement £153 per hectare
SP4 Control of invasive plant species supplement £324 per hectare
SP5 Shepherding supplement £7 per hectare
SP6 Cattle grazing supplement £45 per hectare
SP7 Introduction of cattle grazing on the Scilly Isles £279 per hectare
SP8 Native breeds at risk supplement £94 per hectare
SP9 Threatened species supplement £120 per hectare
SP10 Administration of group managed agreements supplement £6 per hectare
SW1 4-6m buffer strip on cultivated land £353 per hectare
SW2 4-6m buffer strip on intensive grassland £170 per hectare
SW3 In-field grass strips £557 per hectare
SW4 12-24m watercourse buffer strip on cultivated land £512 per hectare
SW5 Enhanced management of maize crops £133 per hectare
SW6 Winter cover crops £114 per hectare
SW7 Arable reversion to grassland with low fertiliser input £311 per hectare
SW8 Management of intensive grassland adjacent to a watercourse £202 per hectare
SW9 Seasonal livestock removal on intensive grassland £88 per hectare
SW10 Seasonal livestock removal on grassland in SDAs next to streams, rivers and lakes £36 per hectare
SW11 Riparian management strip £440 per hectare
SW12 Making space for water £640 per hectare
SW13 Very low nitrogen inputs to groundwaters £251 per hectare
SW14 Nil fertiliser supplement £131 per hectare
SW15 Flood mitigation on arable land £488 per hectare
SW16 Flood mitigation on permanent grassland £256 per hectare
UP1 Enclosed rough grazing £39 per hectare
UP2 Management of rough grazing for birds £88 per hectare
UP3 Management of moorland £43 per hectare
UP4 Management of moorland vegetation supplement £10 per hectare
UP5 Moorland re-wetting supplement £18 per hectare
UP6 Upland livestock exclusion supplement £16 per hectare
WD1 Woodland creation – maintenance payments £200 per hectare
WD2 Woodland improvement £100 per hectare
WD3 Woodland edges on arable land £323 per hectare
WD4 Management of wood pasture and parkland Lowland payment rate (outside the SDA) £46 per hectare Upland payment rate (inside the SDA) £212 per hectare
WD5 Restoration of wood pasture and parkland Lowland payment rate (outside the SDA) £244 per hectare Upland payment rate (inside the SDA) £316 per hectare
WD6 Creation of wood pasture Lowland payment rate (outside the SDA) £409 per hectare Upland payment rate (inside the SDA) £333 per hectare
WD7 Management of successional areas and scrub £74 per hectare
WD8 Creation of successional areas and scrub £87 per hectare
WD9 Livestock exclusion supplement – scrub and successional areas £121 per hectare
WT1 Buffering in-field ponds and ditches in improved grassland £201 per hectare
WT2 Buffering in-field ponds and ditches on arable land £501 per hectare
WT3 Management of ditches of high environmental value £37 per 100 metres (for the management of both sides of the ditch)
WT4 Management of ponds of high wildlife value (100 sq m or less) £103 per pond
WT5 Management of ponds of high wildlife value (more than 100 sq m) £183 per pond
WT6 Management of reed bed £78 per hectare
WT7 Creation of reed bed £323 per hectare
WT8 Management of fen £39 per hectare
WT9 Creation of fen £446 per hectare
WT10 Management of lowland raised bog £164 per hectare
WT11 Wetland cutting supplement £440 per hectare
WT12 Wetland grazing supplement £304 per hectare