Policy paper

COP26 declaration on accelerating the transition to 100% zero emission cars and vans

Updated 17 November 2022

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

Accelerating to Zero coalition (A2Z)

The Accelerating to Zero coalition (A2Z) launched at COP27 will host the ZEV declaration in the future.

The A2Z coalition will:

  • provide a platform to support coordination between leading initiatives
  • signpost to implementation support for signatories to access
  • amplify the progress being made as well as the continued urgency to advance the transition from polluting vehicles to ZEVs

You can find more information on the Accelerating to Zero website


As representatives of governments, businesses, and other organisations with an influence over the future of the automotive industry and road transport, we commit to rapidly accelerating the transition to zero emission vehicles to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement[footnote 1].

Together, we will work towards all sales of new cars and vans being zero emission[footnote 2] globally by 2040, and by no later than 2035 in leading markets

A. As governments, we will work towards all sales of new cars and vans being zero emission by 2040 or earlier, or by no later than 2035 in leading markets.

B. As governments in emerging markets and developing economies, we will work intensely towards accelerated proliferation and adoption of zero emission vehicles. We call on all developed countries to strengthen the collaboration and international support offer to facilitate a global, equitable and just transition.

C. As cities, states, and regional governments, we will work towards converting our owned or leased car and van fleets to zero emission vehicles by 2035 at the latest, as well as putting in place policies that will enable, accelerate, or otherwise incentivise the transition to zero emission vehicles as soon as possible, to the extent possible given our jurisdictional powers.

D. As automotive manufacturers, we will work towards reaching 100% zero emission new car and van sales in leading markets by 2035 or earlier, supported by a business strategy that is in line with achieving this ambition, as we help build customer demand.

E. As business fleet owners and operators, or shared mobility platforms, we will work towards 100% of our car and van fleets being zero emission vehicles by 2030, or earlier where markets allow.

F. As investors with significant shareholdings in automotive manufacturers, we will support an accelerated transition to zero emission vehicles in line with achieving 100% new car and van sales being zero emission in leading markets by 2035. We will provide proactive engagement and escalation of these issues with investees, coupled with encouraging all our holdings to decarbonise their fleets in line with science-based targets.

G. As financial institutions, we confirm our support for an accelerated transition to zero emission vehicles in line with achieving 100% new car and van sales being zero emission in leading markets by 2035, supported by making capital and financial products available to enable this transition for consumers, businesses, charging infrastructure and manufacturers.

H. As other signatories, we support an accelerated transition to zero emission vehicles in line with achieving 100% of new car and van sales being zero emission in leading markets by 2035.

We will support efforts to achieve the road transport breakthrough announced by world leaders, which aims to make zero emission vehicles the new normal by making them accessible, affordable and sustainable in all regions by 2030.

Together, we welcome the new opportunities for clean growth, green jobs and public health benefits from improving air quality; and that this transition could also boost energy security and help balance electricity grids as we make the transition to clean power.

Collectively, we commit to supporting a global, equitable and just transition so that no country or community is left behind. Where we represent leading markets, we will work to strengthen our international support offer for developing countries, emerging markets, and transitional economies – including, where applicable, through technical assistance, finance, and capacity building.

We welcome strong policy and bold commitments, alongside greater levels of investment into research, manufacturing, supply chains, infrastructure and – where applicable – development assistance, that will all be required to make an accelerated global transition a reality.

We will work together to overcome strategic, political, and technical barriers, accelerate the production of zero emission vehicles and increase economies of scale, to make the transition faster, lower cost, and easier for everyone. We will also work together to boost investment, bring down costs and increase the uptake of zero emission vehicles and the many economic, social and environmental benefits it brings.

We recognise that alongside the shift to zero emission vehicles, a sustainable future for road transport will require wider system transformation, including support for active travel, public and shared transport, as well as addressing the full value chain impacts from vehicle production, use and disposal.

  1. We will make clear this declaration is not legally binding and focused on a global level 

  2. For the avoidance of doubt, within the context of this declaration a zero emission car and van is one that produces zero greenhouse gas emissions at the tailpipe.