
Gwiriadau cydymffurfio: cynlluniau arbed treth – hysbysiadau dilynwr – CC/FS25a

Mae'r daflen hon yn sôn am hysbysiadau dilynwr a thaliadau cyflymedig ar gyfer defnyddwyr cynlluniau arbed treth.



Arweiniad yn unig yw taflenni gwybodaeth CThEM sy’n adlewyrchu ei safbwynt adeg eu hysgrifennu.

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Cyhoeddwyd ar 4 December 2014
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 29 September 2022 + show all updates
  1. Information about provisional counteraction notices has been removed due to changes in legislation.

  2. English and Welsh version of the factsheet have been updated to reflect changes to CC/FS25a form.

  3. Factsheet updated under headings 'What to do if you disagree with the follower notice' and 'Penalties for not taking corrective action'.

  4. Compliance checks series factsheet updated under heading 'General information about surcharges and penalties for not paying the accelerated payment on time' to show criteria for reasonable excuse for not paying on time.

  5. A new version of the fact sheet has been published.

  6. Welsh language version added.

  7. New version of this factsheet published.

  8. A new version of this factsheet was published on 14 July 2015.

  9. First published.

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