Policy paper

Community commissioning case studies

9 localities in England are developing a Local Integrated Services (LIS) approach to community commissioning.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government


Community commissioning case studies (ppt, 2.59mb)

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A priority for this Government is putting more power in people’s hands - transferring power to local communities and enabling people to come together to improve their own lives. 
9 localities in England are developing a Local Integrated Services (LIS) approach to community commissioning. In 2011 Cabinet Office championed LIS development to encourage the testing of community commissioning as one service reform response to the challenge of saving resources and improving service outcomes. These case studies provide information from each of the 9 LIS areas on their vision for community commissioning and progress so far. They offer learning and food for thought to anyone who has embarked on a similar journey of service reform, or wishes to consider it.

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Published 14 May 2012

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