
Contract management framework summary

Updated 8 February 2021

1. Contract management framework summary

This document is to provide a summary of the fundamental activities to take on during the operational phase of the contract. This is based on the National Audit Office (NAO) Good practice contract management framework, December 2008

Areas 1 to 8 were used as the Contract Management Checklist to assess the contract management arrangements as part of the Cross Government Review of Major Contracts.

Not all of the 11 areas are equally relevant to all contracts. Generally, the more developmental and strategic areas and activities (areas 8 to 11) become more important the higher the contract risk and the greater the opportunity to add value.

1.1 Background

In 2013 the Cabinet Office commissioned the Cross Government Review of Major Contracts to assess the management of major contracts held by G4S and Serco.

The Review used the following summary (Areas 1 - 8) to investigate and report on the appropriateness of processes and the capability and skills of staff, including with respect to:

i. The controls over payment authorisation;

ii. The contract management performance monitoring activities;

iii. The verification of chargeable events or activities;

iv. Reporting relationships and oversight of senior management; and

v. Response to challenges to and queries raised with suppliers.

Areas 9 to 11 that are included in the original NAO framework have been added to this summary, but they were not part of the Review.

You can read the contract management framework summary of Areas 1 to 11 here