
Capital items payment rate changes from 5 January 2023

Updated 18 January 2023

Applies to England

Countryside Stewardship capital payment rates

Option Code Option Previous rate Rate from 5 Jan 2023
AC2 Countryside educational visits accreditation / agreement £175.00 £277.26
AQ1 Automatic slurry scraper / channel £2,760.00 £2,760.00
AQ2 Low ammonia emission flooring for livestock building / sq m £72.00 £72.00
BC3 Crop protection fencing mesh and wire for permanent crops / m £3.20 £3.20
BC4 Tree guard post and wire / tree guard £84.00 £84.00
BN1 Stone-faced bank repair / m £31.00 £67.25
BN2 Stone-faced bank restoration / m £86.00 £163.26
BN3 Creation of new earth banks / m £13.50 £20.59
BN4 Earth bank restoration / m £7.00 £10.54
BN5 Hedgerow laying / m £9.40 £13.52
BN6 Hedgerow coppicing / m £4.00 £5.33
BN7 Hedgerow gapping up / m £9.50 £17.22
BN8 Hedgerow supplement - casting up / m £3.00 £4.39
BN9 Hedgerow supplement – substantial pre-work / m £4.10 £7.06
BN10 Hedgerow supplement – top binding / m £3.40 £5.82
BN11 Hedgerow planting – new hedges / m £11.60 £22.97
BN12 Stone wall restoration / m £25.00 £31.91
BN13 Stone wall supplement – difficult sites / m £3.60 £5.54
BN14 Stonewall supplement – stone from quarry / m £44.00 £164.50
BN15 Stonewall supplement – difficult sites / m £7.90 £15.91
FG1 Fencing / m £4.00 £6.34
FG2 Sheep netting / m £4.90 £7.47
FG3 Permanant electric fencing / m £4.90 £5.66
FG4 Rabbit fencing supplement / m £2.50 £5.65
FG5 Fencing supplement – difficult sites £1.24 £3.98
FG7 Anti-predator fencing / m £11.10 £13.76
FG8 Anti-predator temporary electric fencing / m £2.85 £2.84
FG9 Deer fencing £7.20 £10.27
FG10 Temporary deer fencing / m £5.20 £8.09
FG11 Deer exclosure plot / unit £136.00 £212.56
FG12 Wooden field gate / gate £390.00 £489.90
FG13 Stone gate post / post £280.00 £651.42
FG14 Badger gate / gate £135.00 £61.81
FG15 Water gate / gate £240.00 £532.80
FG16 Deer pedestrian gate / gate £271.50 £475.44
FG17 Deer vehicle gate / gate £344.60 £749.63
FY1 Deer high seat / unit £300.00 £265.00
FY3 Squirrel traps and maintenance new rate for 2023 80% of actual costs
HE3 Removal of eyesores / item £290.00 £500.47
LV1 Cattle grid / item £835.00 £2,878.80
LV3 Hard bases for livestock drinker / base £110.00 £179.15
LV4 Hard bases for livestock feeder / base £170.00 £290.63
LV5 Pasture pumps and pipework / pump £220.00 £295.90
LV6 Ram pumps and pipework / pump £1,480.00 £1,861.00
LV7 Livestock drinking troughs / trough £110.00 £152.92
LV8 Pipework for livestock troughs / m £2.65 £3.31
PA1 Implementation plan / plan £1,100.00 £1,200.00
PA3 Woodland management plan / ha (First 100ha, minimum payment £1,500) £20.00 (min payment £1,000.00) £30.00 (min payment £1,500)
PA3 Woodland management plan / ha (First 100ha, minimum payment £1,500) Over 100ha £10.00 £15.00
RP1 Resurfacing of gateways / gateway £92.00 £136.95
RP2 Gateway relocation / gateway £340.00 £369.59
RP3 Watercourse crossings / crossing £300.00 £105.63
RP4 Livestock and machinery hardcore tracks / m £33.00 £44.63
RP5 Cross drains / drain £245.00 £750.26
RP6 Culvert / culvert £340.00 £376.23
RP7 Sediment ponds and traps  / sq m £10.00 £11.88
RP9 Earth banks and soil bunds / unit £155.00 £195.61
RP10 Silt filtration dams or seepage barriers / unit £75.00 £198.14
RP11 Swales and check dams / sq m £5.95 £7.52
RP12 Check dam / dam £42.00 £85.29
RP13 Yard-underground drainage pipework / m £5.50 £2.02
RP14 Yard inspection pit / unit £200.00 £200.00
RP15 Concrete yard renewal / sq m £27.14 £33.64
RP16 Rainwater goods / m £11.40 £11.55
RP17 Storage tanks underground / cubic m £350.00 £441.98
RP18 Above ground tanks / cubic m £100.00 £73.34
RP19 Rainwater down pipe diverter and filter / unit £125.00 £174.59
RP20 Relocation of sheep dips and pens / unit £3,675.00 £3,544.71
RP21 Relocation of sheep pens only / unit £1,830.00 £1,772.35
RP22 Sheep dip drainage aprons and sumps / sq m £18.25 £19.50
RP23 Installation of livestock drinking troughs / unit £68.00 £152.92
RP24 Lined biobed plus pesticide loading and washdown area / sq m £118.00 £119.77
RP25 Lined biobed with existing washdown area / sq m £77.00 £66.24
RP26 Biofilters / Unit £990.00 £2026.14
RP27 Sprayer or applicator load and washdown area / sq m £40.00 £35.86
RP28 Roofing (sprayer washdown area, manure storage area, livestock gathering area, slurry stores, silage stores)/sq m £62.00 £72.50
RP29 Self-supporting covers for slurry and anaerobic digestate stores / sq m £30.50 £29.50
RP30 Floating covers for slurry and anaerobic digestate stores and lagoons / sq m £5.60 £2.75
RP31 Equipment to disrupt tramlines in arable areas / machine £1,500.00 £1,500.00
RP32 Small leaky dams / dam £461.39 £461.39
RP33 Large leaky dams / dam £764.42 £764.42
SB1 Scrub control and felling diseased trees / ha (Machine cut - less than 7cm diameter / under 50% coverage) £260.00 £375.00
SB1 Scrub control and felling diseased trees / ha (Machine cut - less than 7cm diameter / over 50% coverage) £520.00 £750.00
SB1 Scrub control and felling diseased trees / ha (Machine cut - 7cm and above diameter / under 50% coverage) £520.00 £750.00
SB1 Scrub control and felling diseased trees / ha (Machine cut - 7cm and above diameter / over 50% coverage) £1,040.00 £1,500.00
SB1 Scrub control and felling diseased trees / ha (Manual cut - under 50% coverage) £980.00 £1,408.75
SB1 Scrub control and felling diseased trees / ha (Manual cut - 50% and over coverage) £1680.00 £2424.20
SB3 Tree removal / tree £144.00 £155.17
SB4 Chemical bracken control / ha £170.00 £270.90
SB5 Mechanical bracken control / ha £169.00 £190.90
SB6 Rhododendron control / ha Level or gentle slope (0 to 11 degree incline) £2,800.00 £3,500.00
SB6 Rhododendron control / ha Moderate slope (12 to 18 degree incline) £3,200.00 £4,000.00
SB6 Rhododendron control / ha Steep or very steep slope (19 degrees or more) £4,400.00 £5,500.00
TE1 Plant hedgerow tree / tree £8.80 £19.06
TE2 Plant standard parkland tree / tree £24.50 £123.94
TE3 Plant fruit tree / tree £22.50 £28.07
TE4 Supply and plant tree / tree £1.28 £1.72
TE5 Supplement for individual tree shelters / unit £1.60 £2.43
TE6 Tree guard – tube and mesh / guard £4.00 £3.95
TE7 Tree guard – post and rail / guard £59.50 £109.64
TE8 Tree guard (wood post and wire) / guard £84.00 £132.16
TE9 Parkland tree guard – welded steel / tree £170.00 £402.73
TE10 Coppicing bankside trees / tree £52.00 £53.95
TE11 Tree surgery / tree (Limbs up to and including 20cm diameter) £96.50 £73.36
TE11 Tree surgery / tree (Limbs over 20cm diameter) £200.00 £146.72
TE12 Stump grinding / stump £24.00 £96.00
TE13 Creation of deadwood habitat on trees / tree £175.00 £285.58
TE14 Identification of fruit tree varieties / variety £29.00 £20.00
WB1 Bird box – small / box £28.50 £11.95
WB2 Bird box – medium / box £39.00 £27.91
WB3 Bird box – large / box £100.00 £38.28
WN1 Grip blocking drainage channels / block £14.80 £19.06
WN2 Creation of scrapes and gutters / sq m £2.80 £2.23
WN3 Ditch, dyke and rhine restoration/ m £7.30 £5.72
WN4 Ditch, dyke and rhine creation / m £8.40 £13.63
WN5 Pond management, less than 100m / pond £270.00 £282.15
WN6 Pond management, over 100m / 100 sq m £170.00 £188.94
WN8 Timber sluice / sluice £315.00 £451.50
WN9 Brick, stone or concrete sluice / sluice £2,480.00 £2,901.40