
Check if a vehicle is genuine with DVLA's bulk data set

DVLA's bulk data set is primarily used for vehicle buyers to check if a vehicle is genuine.


Bulk data set: information for vehicle buyers


The data consists of vehicle identifying information which gives the vehicle registration number (VRN), vehicle identification number (VIN), make, model, and so on. It does not include names or addresses.

Updates to this page

Published 1 August 2011
Last updated 30 November 2022 + show all updates
  1. 'Bulk data set: information for vehicle buyers' PDF updated.

  2. Updated PDF

  3. Updated pdf.

  4. PDF updated.

  5. Updated pdf - amendment to customer's address details.

  6. PDF updated.

  7. Updated PDF.

  8. PDF updated

  9. PDF has been updated

  10. Updated pdf.

  11. PDF updated.

  12. PDF updated.

  13. Addition of new Bulk Data customer details.

  14. Change of company address

  15. PDF updated.

  16. First published.

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