
Bilateral Programme Fund 2016-2017

The UK Government call for proposals.

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[Withdrawn] Project Concept Form


The Bilateral Programme Fund (BPF) is the UK Foreign & Commonwealth Offices (FCO) dedicated fund that supporting posts priorities overseas.

Areas of focus for 2016-17 BPF will include:

  • Human Rights issues such as Female Genital Mutilation, Female Participation, Human rights and extremism, LGBT issues.

  • Security and extremism issues including Aviation Security, Prison De-radicalisation, Law Enforcement support.

  • Good Governance issues including Strengthening Electoral Processes and Parliamentary/Civil Service Capacity Building.

  • Support for Timor Leste including Enabling Enterprise.

We welcome applications for funding for projects in these areas from government, NGOs, civil societies, universities and think thanks. Priority will be given to proposals with high impact and concrete outcomes.

We accept applications for co-funding of larger projects.

How to bid

Please read the attached guidelines and FAQs carefully before you complete the attached concept note. Budgets will be assessed for value for money. Only concept notes with reasonable/ acceptable budgets will be considered.


Please email your completed concept note to

No concept note will be considered after 20 February 2016 at 13.00 (Jakarta’s time). You will receive an automatic notification from the British Embassy Jakarta when we receive your concept note.

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Published 10 February 2016

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