
Official veterinarians, animal health paraprofessionals and food competent certification officers under investigation – privacy notice

Updated 24 May 2024

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales

This privacy notice is for official veterinarians (OVs), animal health paraprofessionals (AHPs) and food competent certification officers (FCCOs) whose conduct is under investigation by APHA

You can also access privacy notices in relation to witnesses and the routine collection of personal data.

Your data is being collected by

The data controller is the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) for personal data that you give to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA).

APHA is an Executive Agency of Defra. You can contact APHA’s Data Protection Manager by email at:

Any questions about how Defra and APHA are using your personal data and your associated rights should be sent to the above contact.

The Data Protection Officer responsible for monitoring that Defra and APHA are meeting the requirements of the legislation can be contacted by email at:

If you have any queries in relation to OVs, AHPs and FCCOs or their role, contact

What personal data is collected

We may collect the following personal data relating to you when required for an investigation:

  • personal contact details, such as name, title, addresses, telephone numbers and personal email addresses
  • details of your work that you have carried out on behalf of APHA
  • details of alleged or actual misconduct and offences

We will also retain statements made in relation to investigations. This could include transcripts and video recordings.

How your data has been obtained

APHA may obtain your personal data from:

  • sources not available to the public – for example, APHA’s internal database, Sam online work submission IT system and the official veterinarian and animal health paraprofessional Improve International databases
  • internet websites open to anyone – this is known as ‘open-source material’ and includes, but is not limited to, news report internet sites, Companies House, Land Registry records, and blogs and social networking sites where no privacy settings have been applied
  • APHA employees and any other persons who may be able to provide APHA with information relating to the work that you have carried out on behalf of APHA or any other information relevant to an investigation

Why APHA is using your data

Our purpose for processing your personal data is to investigate and take regulatory action in line with the relevant Policy of Authorisation as follows:

The legal bases for processing your data are:

  • where a person is working in a role as a result of a contract, including a contract of employment and an agreement amounting to a contract (Article 6(1)(b), UK GDPR)
  • in relation to the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller (Article 6(1)(e), UK GDPR)

Who APHA shares your data with

APHA may share your data with law enforcement or regulatory bodies. For OVs, this includes the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

How long APHA holds personal data for

The retention period for all data relating to the investigation is 10 years from when the investigation case formally ends – either the date that the Review Panel Decision letter (OV50) is sent or if an appeal is submitted, the outcome of the date that appeal is notified to you.

Your rights

Find out about your rights under data protection law.


You have the right to lodge a complaint about the use of your personal data at any time with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO – the data protection supervisory authority).

APHA’s personal information charter

APHA’s personal information charter broadly sets out details of APHA’s processing of personal data.