Research and analysis

Alcohol treatment inquiry: summary of findings

Report on the findings and recommendations of Public Health England’s inquiry into the fall in numbers of people in treatment for alcohol dependence.



Alcohol treatment commissioners and providers can use this report to understand what was behind the fall in the numbers of people in treatment for alcohol dependence in England since 2013 to 2014. The report’s findings can be used to inform local commissioning and service development plans for increasing the numbers of people in alcohol treatment.

This report sets out findings from PHE’s rapid inquiry as well as recommendations and next steps.

The inquiry was based on:

  • a deep dive consisting of focus groups in 14 local areas (9 where there had been a fall and 5 where there had been an increase in alcohol treatment numbers)
  • a wider consultation with commissioners from 69 local authorities
  • a summary of alcohol treatment data for each local area

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Published 1 November 2018

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