
Agricultural vehicles: dangerous projections

Published 1 April 2009

Legislative requirements for projections on agricultural vehicles

All vehicles used on the public highway must comply with the full requirements of the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 (C&U), as amended, unless their use is authorised by an order made under Section 44 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

The Road Vehicles (Authorisation of Special Types) (General) Order 2003 (STGO) is one such order made under section 44 of the Road Traffic Act. Both C&U and the STGO require vehicles to be in such a condition that no hazard is presented to road users.

Article 21 (5) of the STGO specifically requires that, whilst being used on the road, all spikes, cutting blades or other protruding sharp appliances that are fitted to or mounted on a special type agricultural vehicle must be removed or effectively guarded so that no danger is caused (or likely to be caused) to any person.

Regulation 100 (1) of C&U, given that it applies to all vehicles, is not as explicit as the STGO, but it does apply a general provision which covers all such circumstances, stipulating that a motor vehicle, every trailer drawn thereby and all parts and accessories of such vehicle and trailer shall at all times be in such condition … that no danger is caused or is likely to be caused to any person in or on the vehicle or trailer or on a road.

To ensure that this requirement is met, it is clear that any equipment on an agricultural vehicle, such as bale spikes, forks etc, which would be a danger to other road users, would have to be removed or effectively guarded as set out in the STGO.

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