Procurement at Nuclear Waste Services

Tendering for contracts and transparency

Nuclear Waste Services

Nuclear Waste Services Limited (NWS Ltd) is a subsidiary of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).


To comply with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and associated Procurement Policy Notes, NWS procures a variety of supplies, services and works, taking into consideration the value of the proposed contract, and whether a suitable commercial arrangement such as a  pan-government framework or dynamic purchasing system already exists that NWS can legitimately use.

Public procurement is subject to the EU Treaty principles of:

  • Non-discrimination
  • Free movement of goods
  • Freedom of provided services
  • Freedom of establishments

In addition to the treaty principles, some general principles of law have emerged from case law including the European Court of Justice. The most important of these general principles of law being:

  • Equal treatment
  • Transparency
  • Mutual recognition
  • Proportionality

Procurement Legislation update for the NDA group Supply Chain

Please read the attached update from the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA)

Supplier opportunities

In preparation for 1 April 2024 we have produced a combined commercial pipeline to allow the supply chain to understand the potential procurement opportunities available in the short to medium term, noting that the information reflects the anticipated requirements whilst making no commitment that:

  • the requirements identified in its pipeline will be procured
  • the value of any contract will be as stated
  • the timing of any future procurement exercises will be as stated

For full details and an overview of NWS’ potential procurement activity, view our commercial pipeline.

There are several ways to access contract opportunities with NWS:

1. Atamis

Procurement opportunities with a cumulative value of over £25,000 (excluding VAT) are sourced via the Source to Contract system, Atamis 3.0.

To register and access the OneNDA eCommercial System and Supplier Portal please visit

2. Contracts Finder

Procurement opportunities valued at £30,000 (including VAT) or higher that are advertised are published on the Government’s Contracts Finder website. Procurements over the Government Procurement Agreement thresholds are also advertised on Find a Tender.

3. Business and Technical Services Marketplace

The Business and Technical Services (BATS) Marketplace was established in 2019, on behalf of the NDA group, to deliver professional services across 13 business categories.

BATS replaced the Business Services Marketplace. BATS uses the Dynamic Purchasing System procedure, which offers a simple and efficient procurement route for both buyers and suppliers. For further information, please access the Atamis system and navigate to ‘View Live Opportunities’. The record reference for BATS is C5590.

All procurements comply with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and associated Procurement Policy Notes, using collaborative pan NDA / government frameworks where appropriate.


Successful working partnerships

NWS’ priority is to develop a supply chain which works with us in the delivery of safe, sustainable nuclear waste solutions which provide value for money for the UK taxpayer throughout the commercial lifecycle.

In line with the government’s SME agenda, we aim to use local suppliers and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), wherever possible.

We are also seeking to rationalise and diversify the size and scope of our supply chain, whilst developing improved working relationships and longer-term supply chain planning.

Supply Chain Charter

NWS is developing its own Supply Chain Charter which will align with and complement the existing Supply Chain Charter for nuclear decommissioning sites.

The Charter will encourage good working relations across the NDA estate supply chain, with all parties signing up to a set of principles which encourage mutually beneficial and rewarding relationships.

Payment performance report

We publish payment performance reports on a quarterly basis.

The figures included in the report highlight our promptness in paying our suppliers and are expressed in numbers and values of payments made within 5 days of due date, within 30 days and payments made over 30 days late.

Please direct any queries to either your current procurement contact or one of the following mailboxes: