Statistics at HMCTS

How to find statistical data and analysis for courts and tribunals.

Monthly management information provides more frequent and timely measures of the operation of the court and tribunal system.

Management information

Our monthly management information looks at understanding workload volumes and timeliness at a national level.

We previously published weekly management information during COVID-19 pandemic to help explain how we delivered critical public services from March 2020 to June 2021.

We published data on the use of audio and video technologies to facilitate court and tribunal hearings, alongside face-to-face hearings, from April 2020 to May 2021.

We also published Ad Hoc management information release – management information about the activity in the magistrates’ court following the public disorder starting on 30 July.

User guide to HMCTS management information (PDF, 898 KB, 14 pages)

In addition to the routine management information published each month, from December 2023 we have also begun publishing further management information specifically relating to services modernised through the HMCTS Reform Programme. The reformed service management information will be published alongside the routine management information twice a year.

Freedom of Information responses

Freedom of Information releases from 2018 containing HMCTS management information

Freedom of Information releases 2019 containing HMCTS management information

Voluntary Application of the Code of Practice for Statistics

We voluntarily apply the Code of Practice for Statistics to our publication of management information.

HMCTS voluntary application of the code of practice for statistics (PDF, 116 KB, 2 pages)

Forthcoming publications

We aim to publish monthly management information on the second Thursday of each month at 9:30am. This year’s publications will be on:

  • 10 October 2024
  • 14 November 2024
  • 12 December 2024

Contact us

You can email us if you have any feedback or questions on our management information.

Criminal court statistics

Civil justice statistics

Family court statistics

Tribunal statistics