Our governance

The main decision-making, executive and managerial bodies at Department for Business and Trade (DBT).

The roles and structure of our board and committees.

Department for Business and Trade Board

The Departmental Board is the principal governance body of DBT and is chaired by the Secretary of State. The Permanent Secretary is also a member.

Its remit is to support the Secretary of State in the strategic and operational leadership of the department.


Other ministers, director generals and senior officials will be invited to board discussions as their priorities demand.

Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC)

The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee (ARAC) provides independent advice to support the Board and Accounting Officer in their responsibilities for issues of risk, control and governance.


  • Karina McTeague - Non-Executive Board Member and Chair of the ARAC
  • Hanif Barma - Independent Member
  • Jim Watson - Independent Member
  • Sharon Dean - Independent Member


  • Gareth Davies CB - Permanent Secretary
  • Bidesh Sarkar CBE - Chief Financial Officer
  • Susan Clark - Financial Audit Director, National Audit Office (NAO)
  • Leena Mathew - Value for Money Audit Director, International Group, National Audit Office (NAO)
  • Gwen Williams - Head of Internal Audit, Government Internal Audit Agency (GIAA)

Nominations and Governance Committee (NGC)

The Nominations and Governance Committee (NGC) is a subcommittee of the board that examines arrangements for:

  • remuneration, talent management and capability arrangements for senior staff in DBT
  • the appointments of senior Executive and Non-Executive leaders in DBT and its partner organisations
  • effective governance within DBT



  • Rebecca Woodward - HR Director

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee:

  • drives the department’s overall performance and delivery against DBT’s mission, vision and objectives
  • ensures the effective management of the department
  • develops and implements operational strategy
  • plays a decision-making role on issues escalated from its sub-committees


Professional specialists, for example, Legal Directors (Adrian Roberts and Jane Hill) will receive Executive Committee papers and be invited to comment and/or attend specific items when their expertise is required. Chief Scientific Adviser (Julia Sutcliffe) is free to attend official meetings but is not a full member of the Executive Committee.

Performance and Risk Committee

The Performance and Risk Committee monitors DBT’s performance and performs deep-dives into departmental risks. It ensures departmental business is conducted on budget, on target and on time.


Investment Committee

The Investment Committee (IC) leads on investment decisions related to high value or high-risk projects and programmes in DBT’s portfolio.


  • Amanda Brooks - Director General, Trade Policy, Implementation and Negotiations
  • Ceri Smith - Director General, Strategy and Investment

People Committee

The People Committee oversees all aspects of the workplace environment, including DBT’s strategic, policy, and operational approach to Human Resources, internal communications and diversity.


  • Jo Crellin - Director General, Domestic and International Markets and Exports
  • Gavin Lambert and Caleb Deeks - Director General, Competition, Markets and Regulatory Reform Group