Press release

William Hague offers sympathy on Israeli death by Syrian fire

William Hague offers condolences on Israeli death by Syrian fire; swift political settlement to end the conflict vital.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Foreign Secretary William Hague expressed his deep condolences and sympathies to Israel about the death of an Israeli teenager killed by fire from Syria. Mohammed Karkara was killed on June 22 when the truck in which he was travelling in the Golan Heights was hit by fire from Syria.

William Hague said:

I was deeply saddened to hear about the death of Mohammed Karkara in the Golan Heights, the first Israeli citizen to die as a result of Syrian fire since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war. Our thoughts are with his family and friends. The violence of the Assad regime has claimed far too many innocent victims.

Overspill from the Syrian conflict is having a seriously destabilising effect on the region as a whole. A swift political settlement to end the conflict is vital.

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Published 23 June 2014