News story

Wales allocated £56.9 million for broadband roll-out

Funding to help everyone in Wales have access to broadband, with 90% of homes and businesses accessing superfast speeds.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt today announced Wales is set to receive £56.9 million for broadband role out, as part of the Government’s £530 million broadband investment fund.

“Many rural and hard-to-reach communities do not have decent broadband access. We must ensure the whole country can join the digital age,” said Mr Hunt.

“If the Welsh Government matches our investment, 90 per cent of the country’s homes and businesses will have access to superfast broadband.”

“If you suffer the frustration of slow internet connections, then tell your Welsh Assembly Member that you need broadband. Urge them to make this investment and ensure that Wales is not left behind.”

Best in Europe

The private sector on its own will take superfast broadband (speeds greater than 24 Mbps as defined by Ofcom) to around two-thirds of UK households and businesses. Public money is being used to help take broadband to the remaining one third by making it viable for business to invest.

Today’s announcement builds on the work of the rural pilots earlier in the year and is part of the Government’s ambition to have the best superfast broadband network in Europe by 2015, with 90 per cent of homes and businesses in each local authority area having access to superfast broadband and for everyone in the UK to have access to at least 2Mbps.

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Published 12 July 2011