News story

Update on expected rainfall - Monday 25 January 2016

Statement from Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss on expected rainfall.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Elizabeth Truss

Read Winter flooding 2015: community support for advice and current information.

Environment Secretary Elizabeth Truss said:

I have today chaired a meeting of the government’s COBR committee as we prepare for more rain this week across the North of England and in the South West. This is likely to take place from Tuesday to Wednesday, with a further front expected on Friday.

While we continue to monitor forecasts to model the precise impacts, we expect rain to fall on already saturated ground, especially in parts of Cumbria, Yorkshire, Devon and Cornwall.

We know this will be an especially anxious time for many communities who suffered flooding last month and where the ground is still saturated.

I want to assure them that we are taking all possible steps to prepare for the storm.

The military are on standby, temporary defences and pumps are being deployed across the country and Enivornment Agency staff are checking and maintaining flood defences, clearing blockages in watercourses and monitoring water levels.

Our priority continues to be protecting lives, protecting homes and protecting businesses.

We are already investing nearly £200million to help communities recover from the December storms - £48million has already been paid out to 37 local authorities across affected areas. We continue to support residents and businesses affected.

I expect to be chairing further COBRs though this week to ensure our response remains targeted, fast and effective.

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Published 25 January 2016