News story

UK Holocaust memorial design competition: tell us what you think

Submit your feedback on the 10 shortlisted designs for the new UK National Holocaust Memorial.

View of the Palace of Westminster from Victoria Tower Gardens ©Malcolm Reading Consultants & Emily Whitfield-Wicks

View of the Palace of Westminster from Victoria Tower Gardens ©Malcolm Reading Consultants & Emily Whitfield-Wicks

The 10 shortlisted designs for the UK’s new Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre, to be built in the heart of Westminster, have been exhibited across the UK, in Edinburgh, Cardiff and are now on display in London at the V&A until 22 August 2017.

View the Holocaust Memorial Design Film.

The UK’s National Holocaust Memorial and learning centre will stand in the shadow of Parliament, at the heart of our democracy, in Victoria Tower Gardens. This striking new structure will honour victims and survivors of Nazi persecution. It will also educate future generations about the dangers of prejudice and hatred, and serve as a powerful statement of our values as a nation.

Background information

In September 2016, the UK Holocaust Memorial Foundation launched an international design competition, which sought to attract and identify the world’s best architectural talent to create an emotionally powerful and sensitively designed memorial and learning centre. Ninety-two teams expressed an interest in the project, with shortlist of 10 invited to submit concept designs, which are now on display at the V&A.

We are consulting on the shortlist with the public, those working in the field of Holocaust remembrance and education, and technical experts. This consultation will play a crucial role in informing the jury’s final decision on the memorial.

A summary of the feedback we receive will be fed into the jury. Note that we are not able to respond to individual submissions.

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Published 26 January 2017