World news story

Somali Week Festival 2013

Somali Week Festival 2013 from Friday 18th to Sunday 27th October

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Somale week festival

Kayd Somali Arts and Culture, in collaboration with Redsea-online Cultural Foundation and other partners, are proud to present Somali Week Festival 2013. This year’s festival will run from Friday 18th to Sunday 27th October at Oxford House, Derbyshire Street, London, E2 6HG.

Somali Week Festival is an integral part of Black History Month and offers the best of Somali arts and culture, both old and new. The festival offers a mix of events including poetry, literature, panel discussions, documentary film screenings, music and theatre. Through these different artistic forms, Somali Week Festival has explored a variety of themes in past years and has become a widely recognized and anticipated annual event in the UK.

Somali Week Festival 2013: Journey

This year’s SWF is centred on the theme of ‘Journey’. The festival will provide a platform from which artists and intellectuals will explore the impact of movement, migration and exile on Somali arts and culture. We will invite writers, poets, scholars, and musicians of Somali heritage, and scholars who work with Somalis to share their experiences and discuss a broad range of concepts including exile, alienation, adventure, exploration, personal and collective change, identity, rights, and tolerance and coexistence with people from different backgrounds. These artists and thinkers will explore the influences of migration and travel on peoples’ everyday realities, both in the diaspora and in the Horn of Africa.

International and UK Guests

In 2013, we are delighted to welcome international guests, including Mahamed Ibrahim Warsame “Hadraawi” , Said Salah Ahmed, Dr Mahamed Daahir Afrah, Hassan Abdillahi “ Hassan Ganey”, Abdi Latif Ega, Hibo-Nuura Mohamed, Basher Goth, Dr. Abdirashid Mohamed Ismail, Amina-Milgo Mahamoud, Dr Markus V. Hoehne, Faarax Cali “Gaamuute”, Cabdalle Osman “Shafey”, Mahamed Hirsi (Abdibashir), Muse Dalmar and more …

These guests will be sharing a platform and collaborating with guests from the UK such as Hudaydi, Nimco Yasin, Abdi Omar , W. N. Herbert, Aar Maanta, Nimco Degan, Mohamed Hassan Alto, Abdikariim Raas, Said Jama, Dr Laura Hammond, Dr Martin Orwin, Matt Baugh, Mary Harper, Sheikh Mahamoud Sheikh Dalmar, Hamish Wilson, Dr Anita Adam, Martin Hill, Siham Riyale, Nadifa Mohamed, Dr Anna Lindley, Saynab Mohamud, Khadra Elmi , Kaltun Bacado, Abdirahman Xananteeye, Fahmi Kastello, Abdi Fataah Yare, Prince Abdi, Ali Goolyad, Rashiid Sheekh Cabdillaahi “Gadhwayne”, Said Ali Shire, Zaynab Daahir, Cabdiraxmaan Abtidoon, Hussein Nur , Jawaahir Faarax, Jahaan, Jawaahir Daahir and Idil osman and more.

Iftin Band reunion: Said Salah Ahmed, Sayid-Khalif osman Abdi, Bashir Ali Hussein- Salah Ahmed (Salah Xariiri) and Aisha Kahiye Guled

We would like to thank all our guests in anticipation of the festival and extend our warmest welcome to regulars and new-comers alike!

If you would like further information about Somali Week Festival, tickets, book a stall or/and volunteer, please email us or call 07903712949. For updates on the program please visit our website and follow us on Twitter

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Published 24 October 2013