News story

Serving Veterans better – MOD’s Veterans UK Lived Experience Events

Working with veterans to improve their experiences.

This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government

Brigadier Caroline Hull (Centre) facilitates the face-to-face Lived Experience Event

MOD’s Veterans UK is committed to listening to and learning about how veterans’ access and experience their services. As part of their commitment, and to hear first-hand from veterans, a face-to-face event was held in London. Veterans were invited to share their own experiences with representatives from MOD Policy, Medical Advisors and operational and communications staff from Veterans UK. An article Serving the Veteran better – MOD’s Veterans UK welcomes veterans’ feedback on its services was published at the time. A log of discussion points is now available Live Experience Event log of discussion points (ODT, 34.8 KB).

Direct engagement with serving personnel and veterans who use services provided by Veterans UK continues with the next face-to-face event planned for Thursday 9 March in London. The focus of the event is transition from services. Veterans will again be joined by operational staff, MOD Policy and Medical Advisors to discuss the challenges faced by serving personnel as they return to civilian life.

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Published 20 January 2023