News story

Reduced fishing effort for area VII scallop fishery explained

From 1 July to 30 September 2018 the Western Waters scallop fishing effort is being limited to help avoid early closure.

For the third quarter of 2018 (1 July to 30 September 2018) the fishing limit for scallops in the Western Waters ICES area VII, which includes the English Channel, is being set at 30 days. This is happening in order to carefully manage the remaining effort for this year and help avoid an early closure of the fishery.

The development follows a recommendation by the Scallop Industry Consultation Group (SICG) after its meeting of 7 June, which has now been agreed by UK Fisheries Administrations. The SICG includes representatives from scallop fishing and processing companies, as well as government representatives.

Uptake of scallop fishing in area VII is very high currently (59% at 12 June) and industry negotiations with France to increase the UK’s fishing effort in the area through exchanging additional effort (‘the Baie de Seine agreement’) are still ongoing. During the SICG meeting the group looked at a number of scenarios, which made it clear that a reduction in the quarter 3 limit was required.

A further review of the limit will take place once the outcome of the negotiations are known, likely to be mid-July. A variation taking effect 1 July 2018 will soon be issued affecting all vessels of 15 metres and over.

More guidance and explanation of ‘days at sea’ appears elsewhere on GOV.UK.

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Published 21 June 2018