World news story

Projects funded by the UK FCO’s Global Prosperity Fund

The British Embassy in Guatemala City, covering Guatemala and Honduras invites all interested parties to submit proposals for projects funded by the UK FCO’s Global Prosperity Fund for the Financial Year 2014-2015

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

(1) About the Prosperity Fund (strands open in this round of bidding)

The Prosperity Fund open for this call aims to create the conditions for global growth and focuses on two of the four strands of the FCO’s Conditions for Growth Strategy. This call for bids is open for possible funding under the Openness and Opportunity strands only. The Prosperity fund aims to push forward and to fund projects that contribute to develop the UK’s economic agenda in Guatemala and Honduras, using Britain’s expertise and its competitive advantage (e. g. UK universities, businesses and researches). For this round of bidding we look for proposal under the following strands:

(1.1) Openness

Definition: Activities and projects that promote transparency and structural changes to the national economic framework. Also includes projects aimed to promote a strong rules-based international economic system, along with the promotion of UK business eliminating barriers to trade and bureaucracy, and improving the local business climate.

(1.2) Opportunity

Definition: Activities that help British companies win new businesses and activities that promote education and innovation as drivers of growth.

(2) How to apply for funding?

The British Embassy is looking for projects that are linked directly to our work in Guatemala and Honduras. If your organization wishes to apply, please:

(2.1) read the open funding call for this bidding round

(2.2) make sure that your proposal falls under either one of the two strands eligible for this bidding round (see paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2).

(2.3) fill the Concept Bid Form in English.

(2.4) submit the Concept Bid Form to the email address: by 02 June 2014 before 17:00 (local Guatemala time). In subject include: Prosperity Fund 2014, followed by the name of your organization, and followed by the country where your organization is based (Guatemala or Honduras): “Prosperity Fund 2014 – [Name of Organization] – Guatemala.

Important: all proposals received in a format different to the one requested, received in a language different than English, and submitted after the set date and time, will not be considered.

(3) Eligibility (criteria)

We are particularly interested in projects that can demonstrate impact, value for money and sustainability. When thinking about submitting a proposal, be ready to answer the following questions: how will the activities in your proposal continue once the Prosperity funding has ceased? How can initial Prosperity funding be used to bring about a bigger change in the longer terms? Additionally, and in order to be eligible all submitted proposals must:

(3.1) be 100% ODA-ble according to the OECD definition for ODA. If they do not meet the criteria of being of assistance to development, proposals will not be considered.

(3.2) contribute directly for the UK’s Prosperity strategy for openness and opportunity. All proposals must have clearly outlined outputs and outcomes, which contribute to the Openness and Opportunity conditions for growth (the proposals which clearly identify impact to low cost stand more chance of success).

(3.3) at this initial stage of the bidding round, only proposals under the concept form will be received, and in the form and language specify in paragraph (2).

(3.4) have a strong component of co-financing by the implementing organization.

(3.5) be 100% completed in a period of time no longer of 6 months (such period must commences on 01 August/2014 and finishes on 31 January/2015). It would be best if the funds can be paid in one transaction only – if the proposal is approved- and to be effective by December 2014.

(3.6) utilise well developed metrics and be grounded in strong economic analysis.

(3.7) be clear on the contribution to openness and opportunity.

(3.8) have a minimum spend of £20,000. All proposals must include an economic proposal in sterling pounds. However, if the implementer is from Guatemala or Honduras, the payment will be effective in local currency (Quetzal) for Guatemalan implementers and in US Dollars for Honduran projects.

(4) How this bidding round works?

This bidding round will be developed in two stages:

(4.1) A first stage of “concept” biddings, which commences Wednesday 21 Mayo / 2014 and is closed Monday 02 June/2014 17:00hr (local Guatemala time). This concept proposal will be forwarded to the London Prosperity Programme Board for consideration against bids worldwide.

(4.2) A second stage where only those proposals that have been successful in the concept bidding will be asked to be developed into detailed projects.

Due to the volume of bid we are expecting, we will be unable to provide feedback on unsuccessful bids.

(5) Bidding Process Timetable

Date Action
21 May / 2014 Bidding round opens
02 June / 2014 Bidding round closes – deadline to submit concept bids to the British Embassy in Guatemala City by email ( and include “Prosperity Fund 2014 – [Name of Organization] – [Country] in the subject line
09 June / 2014 British Embassy in Guatemala City to inform successful and unsuccessful applicants
09-13 June / 2014 British Embassy in Guatemala City will contact those whose concept bids have been chosen to be forwarded to the London Prosperity Programme Board for consideration against bids worldwide. It will be discussed with those selected bidders the development of a full project bid
16 – 25 June / 2014 Preparation of full proposals. Deadline for full proposals preparations is 25 June / 2014
26 June / 2014 Full proposals to be sent to London
End of June / 2014 London Prosperity Programme Board to meet to discuss full proposals and give final sign off.
27 June / 2014 British Embassy in Guatemala City to inform final decision to applicants
01 August / 2014 – 31 January / 2015 Implementation, monitoring and control
01 – 28 Feb / 2015 Implementers to complete a Project Competition Report and submit it to British Embassy in Guatemala City

(6) Key documents

  1. UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) Prosperity Fund: Prosperity Fund Openness and Opportunity Strategy (PDF, 356 KB, 12 pages)
  2. Concept Bid Form (MS Word Document, 51.5 KB)– this needs to be completed in English and submitted to the provided email address


Should you have any question or require clarification, please contact Hector Jose Marroquin - Prosperity Officer at (+502) 2380-7300 Mon-Thu 08:00 - 12:30 hr and 13:30 - 16:00 hr, and Fri 08:00 - 11:00 hr

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Published 21 May 2014