Press release

Press briefing: morning 8 January 2015

The Prime Minister's Official Spokesperson answered questions about the Paris attack and the Chilcot Report.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Paris Attack

When asked about the terrorist attack in Paris, the PMOS said the Home Secretary had this morning chaired a COBRA meeting to discuss heightened UK protective security arrangements. The UK threat level on the advice of the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre (JTAC) remained at severe, the PMOS added.

The PMOS said border security had been tightened at the UK’s juxtaposed controls and other UK-France transit routes, with an increased visible security presence; adding that the Foreign & Commonwealth Office was working with posts to provide the latest advice and urged people to remain vigilant.

The PMOS also noted that alongside President Hollande and the people of France the Prime Minister had observed one minute’s silence at midday Paris time, and that the flag over Downing Street was flying at half-mast.

Chilcot Report

When asked about the Chilcot Report, the PMOS said the timing of the report’s completion was a matter for the Chilcot Inquiry, adding that in terms of publication the Prime Minister’s view was that the government would seek to publish the report as soon as possible after completion, while ensuring that Parliament had the appropriate time to read and debate it.

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Published 8 January 2015