Press release

Press briefing: morning 15 October 2013

The Prime Minister’s Spokesperson (PMS) answered questions on climate change, police conduct, care costs and social services and China.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Risk Register

Questioned on Cabinet discussions around the risk register, the PMS said that there was an annual publication of the risk register and the Cabinet discussion was part of the cycle of assessment before the usual publication.

Climate change

Asked about discussions on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, the PMS said that it was a short update on the content of the report by the government’s Chief Scientist.

Police conduct

Asked what the Prime Minister (PM) thought of the Independent Police Complaints Commission investigation into the incident involving Andrew Mitchell, the PMS said the PM had consistently said further investigation was a matter for the relevant authority. There had been a number of serious allegations made, and it was important to get to the bottom of the issue.

Care costs

Asked whether the PM agreed with the Care Minister that pensioners with savings of over £23,000 were quite wealthy and could afford to contribute to their elderly care, the PMS said it was important to note the government was consulting on the level at which people should make a contribution to their care costs alongside the help from the state, but this would not include their home as an asset.

All measures the government were taking were to give people greater security in their old age.

Career colleges

Asked what the PM thought of Lord Baker’s proposals on career colleges, the PMS said that it was an important issue and the proposals would be considered. It was important to look at a range of ways in which young people could be prepared for the world of work.

Social services

Asked what the PM thought of the Ofsted report claiming that 1 in 7 local authorities had an unacceptable level of protection for vulnerable children, the PMS said that reports such as this one were very important and showed the need for rigorous inspection regimes. There were reforms in place to drive up standards, which we must continue to do.


Asked how involved the PM was in the recent deals announced with China, the PMS said that the PM took a close and active interest in the steps taken to succeed in the global race. He supported what the Chancellor was doing and planned to go to China again himself.


Asked whether the PM agreed that the scale of Savile abuses should trigger further investigations into potential accomplices, the PMS said that it was a very important investigation that must be followed through. It was essential the authorities investigating had the resources in place for a thorough investigation.

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Published 16 October 2013