Press release

Press briefing: morning 13 May 2013

The Prime Minister's Spokesperson (PMS) answered questions on the PM's meeting with President Obama, and the EU.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Obama meeting

Questioned over the PM’s meeting with President Obama, the PMS said that a range of topics would be discussed. The PM would discuss key issues on the G8 agenda, trade between the EU and US and Syria. The PM wanted to find a political solution to the situation in Syria and build on the recent talks he had held with President Putin.


Asked about the PM’s stance on an EU referendum, the PMS said that the PM’s position was clear. He was in favour of a reformed EU which was more open, more flexible and better for the UK. He would focus on reforming the EU before holding an in/out referendum on membership in 2017, if he was still PM.

On the upcoming Queen’s Speech amendment debate, the PMS said that ministers could abstain from the vote if they wished. The PM was happy that there was a spotlight on the referendum commitment he had made.

Asked whether the PM appreciated that the issue was influencing the debate over Scottish independence, the PMS said that there was an ongoing healthy debate in Scotland. The government was producing policy papers setting out the arguments in a number of key areas.

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Published 13 May 2013