Press release

PM statement on Confidence and Supply Agreement with the DUP

Prime Minister Theresa May welcomes the agreement reached between the Conservative and Unionist Party and the Democratic Unionist Party.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Image of Prime Minister Theresa May

“A Confidence and Supply Agreement has been made between the Conservative and Unionist Party and the Democratic Unionist Party.

“This means the DUP will support the Conservative government on votes on the Queen’s Speech, the Budget, and legislation relating to Brexit and national security.

“The agreement makes clear that we remain steadfast to our commitments as set out in the Belfast Agreement and its successors, and in governing in the interests of all parts of the community in Northern Ireland.

“I welcome this agreement which will enable us to work together in the interest of the whole United Kingdom, give us the certainty we require as we embark on our departure from the European Union, and help us build a stronger and fairer society at home. In the interests of transparency, the full terms of this agreement have been published.

“Time is running short for the parties to come together and reach agreement to re-establish a power-sharing Executive by 29 June. I hope the parties will look beyond their differences and come together with a shared sense of common purpose to serve all communities in the best interests of Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland needs a functioning devolved government at this important time.

“Her Majesty’s government will continue to do everything we can to work with the parties in Northern Ireland, alongside the Irish government, to bring back a strong voice at Stormont for a positive future for everyone in Northern Ireland.”

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Published 26 June 2017