Press release

PM call with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince: 3 June 2018

Prime Minister Theresa May spoke with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

A Downing Street spokesperson said:

Prime Minister Theresa May spoke with the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman yesterday on the phone.

The two leaders reflected on the success of the Crown Prince’s visit earlier in the year and on the positive discussions they had during his stay. They noted the work that was being taken forward on education, healthcare and on Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 plans more widely.

The Prime Minister and the Crown Prince agreed that ultimately the dire situation in Yemen could only be resolved with a political solution, and welcomed the efforts being made by the UN’s Special Envoy Martin Griffiths on the matter. They discussed the humanitarian situation in the country and agreed the importance of doing everything they could to ease the suffering of Yemenis.

The Prime Minister emphasised the UK’s commitment to the JCPoA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), as the best means of preventing Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon. But they agreed on the need to tackle Iranian destabilising activity in the region. As part of this the Prime Minister noted the importance of cooperation between their two countries to protect Saudi Arabia from ballistic missile attacks.

Both Prime Minister May and the Crown Prince noted the importance of stability in the oil markets, which they said was in the interests of both consumers and producers.

They said looked forward to continuing close cooperation between the two Kingdoms.

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Published 3 June 2018