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PCA publishes factsheet on Code rights for those considering a new tied pub agreement

Our latest factsheet helps those who are considering taking on a new agreement with a regulated pub company to understand their Code rights

Two hands pointing at information

This new factsheet in the ‘What Tied Pub Tenants Need to Know’ series sets out what a regulated pub company must do under the Pubs Code for those considering entering into a new tied pub agreement (a prospective tenant).

The statutory review of the Pubs Code and our independent research highlighted the importance of new tenants having access to good information to help them make informed decisions. This includes information about their Code rights.

Our factsheet outlines the information a prospective tenant must receive from their pub company, and on which they should take independent professional advice. The pub company must then ensure the prospective tenant has a sustainable business plan, and advise them to inspect the premises and obtain advice from a surveyor with experience in tied pubs. The prospective tenant should also be advised to complete pubs entry training unless they are experienced.

As well as publishing this new factsheet, the Pubs Code Adjudicator Fiona Dickie has asked all pub companies to send introductory letters she has written for prospective and new tenants. These letters will introduce them to their Code rights and the PCA’s role. They also include useful signposting information.

Fiona Dickie talked earlier in the year about the need to ensure new tied tenants go into new agreements with their eyes wide open in her monthly Morning Advertiser column. The PCA continues to work with Code Compliance Officers to make improvements in this area.

If you have any queries about your rights as a prospective or new tenant, speak to your Code Compliance Officer or contact the PCA team at

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Published 28 September 2021