News story

PCA is requiring Punch Pubs to verify its Code compliance after it accepts it has a statutory duty to provide Rent Proposals to new tenants

Punch Pubs has confirmed to the Pubs Code Adjudicator (PCA) that, in respect of information it sends to new tenants, it now understands that it has a statutory duty under the Pubs Code to ensure its compliance with the requirements of a Rent Proposal.

Filing cabinet

The Issue

The PCA recently received a Pubs Code arbitration award relating to the information Punch Pubs sent to a new tied tenant. It appeared that Punch Pubs had failed to recognise its statutory duty to provide this information in compliance with regulation 15(7) of the Pubs Code (Rent Proposals).

In response to the PCA, the Code Compliance Officer (CCO) for Punch Pubs has confirmed that it now recognises it has a statutory duty to provide a Rent Proposal to new tenants.

Punch Pubs has advised the PCA that its practice is to provide new tenants with the same information as the Code requires in a Rent Proposal. However, the PCA has instructed the CCO to verify its compliance with regulation 15(7) and all associated duties in the Pubs Code relating to the provision of a Rent Proposal. This includes, for example, duties in relation to staff training, Business Development Manager notes and the provision of information to tenants in relation to the Rent Proposal.

This matter is ongoing and the PCA will publish further information as appropriate.

Affected Tenants

Tenants who may have been affected by this issue can contact Punch Pubs’ Code Compliance Officer, James Richards at

Anyone who has information which may be relevant to the PCA’s consideration of this matter can email

More information about a pub company’s duties in relation to Rent Proposals can be found in the PCA’s Factsheet.

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Published 1 July 2021