News story

New British drive to help tackle crisis in Yemen

New emergency humanitarian support from the UK will help to tackle rapidly worsening conditions in Yemen.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Recent fighting has displaced over 40,000 people across Yemen. British funding will help the International Committee of the Red Cross reach 100,000 people in conflict affected areas across the country, as well as ensuring it has staff, equipment and supplies in place to treat civilians injured in the civil unrest.

In addition, British support for a consortium of five of the main international NGOs working in Yemen will enable them to pool resources and expertise to help meet urgent needs in areas that can prove difficult for humanitarian agencies to access, such as Amran and Al-Jawf in the North of the country.

This new British emergency support will reach a total over 300,000 people and will help to:

  • Improve healthcare for 91,100 people to reduce disease and save lives
  • Provide access to drinking water, shelter and sanitation for 71,000 people
  • Educate 30,000 children on how to avoid unexploded landmines
  • Provide 6,900 people a month with food and hygiene kits
  • Provide livestock and training for 5,850 people

International Development Minister Alan Duncan said:

Conditions across Yemen are deteriorating daily. By current estimates, the average Yemeni is now spending as much as 35 per cent of their income on bread. Fuel shortages are creating untold problems. Petrol is needed to power water pumps, to fuel the trucks that deliver it, and to generate the electricity for fridges to keep children’s vaccinations properly stored.

In the short term, this new package of British aid funding is aimed at providing immediate help to people across the country affected by years of instability and poverty and whose suffering is only exacerbated by the current civil unrest. Our ultimate aim must be to head off the humanitarian crisis that is looming large on the horizon.

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Published 1 July 2011