News story

Mutuals: regional roadshows

Regional roadshows about mutuals: hear from public servants who have formed mutuals and see when events are happening in your region.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

This government has made huge progress backing front line public servants who want to form public service mutuals and take control of the services they provide.

Have a look at our map of mutuals roadshows happening across the country and see when we’re visiting your region.

The regional roadshow in Exeter was a great opportunity for local authorities to hear first-hand from those who have successfully spun out of the public sector to deliver services more efficiently and effectively. Independent experts were also on hand to give practical advice on each step of the mutualisation journey.

SEQOL’s Chief Executive, Heather Mitchell, gave a fantastic first-hand account of both the challenges of spinning out and the benefits and new opportunities it can bring. A mutual delivering integrated health and social care in the local Swindon area, SEQOL is currently working in partnership with Swindon Borough Council and NHS Swindon.

Further roadshows and events are planned across other regions.

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Published 18 March 2013