Press release

More young people in apprenticeships than ever before

New figures show almost 3 million apprenticeships created since May 2010 as part of government’s drive to create opportunities for all.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Engineering apprentice

More people than ever before are taking advantage of high quality apprenticeships and traineeships that give them the skills and experience they need for a successful career.

Provisional figures released today (6 October 2016) show a rise in the number of people reaping the benefits of apprenticeships with around 905,000 people in an apprenticeship this year alone.

The figures also show that there are more young people starting apprenticeships, with over 130,000 starts by under 19-year-olds during the 2015 to 2016 academic year.

Skills and Apprenticeships Minister Robert Halfon said:

Apprenticeships work, that’s why they lie at the heart of our commitment to giving everyone the chance they deserve to get the skills and jobs they need for their future.

It is great news that there are more apprentices and trainees than ever before. I am determined that we build on this success so that everyone who wants to can benefit from the ladder of opportunity they offer.

High quality skills and apprenticeships lie at the heart of the government’s drive to create the skilled workforce British industry needs to thrive, to boost productivity and build an economy that works for all.

Today’s provisional figures show that just under 27,000 higher and degree apprenticeships were started so far in 2015 to 2016. Some of the top employers in the country such as BAE Systems and Fujitsu are already on board when it comes to higher apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships are currently available in careers ranging from engineering to public relations. The government is continuing to work with higher education institutions, including Russell Group universities, to discuss their plans for delivering degree apprenticeships.

Traineeships play a significant part in the government’s commitment to creating the highly skilled workforce our employers need. Today’s figures show provisionally that there were 23,900 traineeship starts in 2015 to 2016, a substantial increase from 19,400 in 2014 to 2015. Traineeships equip young people who are looking for work with the skills, confidence and vital work experience they need to gain an apprenticeship or other job.

To encourage more young people to consider an apprenticeship as a valid and credible route to a rewarding career, the government has launched the Get In Go Far campaign. The campaign shares the stories of top apprentices working in leading employers including Lloyds Banking Group, Accenture and JCB.

Notes to editors

  1. Read today’s figures about learner participation, outcomes and level of highest qualification held.
  2. Find more information on the Get In Go Far campaign.
  3. Since May 2010 there have been 2,997,000 apprenticeship starts.

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Published 6 October 2016