Press release

Minister for Africa calls for an end to hostilities in South Sudan

FCO Minister for Africa calls for an end to hostilities in South Sudan and for leaders to resolve differences through political means.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Following continued fighting in Juba, South Sudan, Foreign Office Minister for Africa Mr Mark Simmonds said:

I have been following with great concern the reports of fighting in Juba and elsewhere in South Sudan. I urge the leaders on all sides to end hostilities. I also call on the Government to recognise its responsibilities to protect all civilians, be they South Sudanese or foreign nationals.

After years of conflict, the people of South Sudan expect their leaders to resolve their differences through political, instead of military, means. Their response to the events of the past few days should always be in accordance with the rule of law and without acts of retribution against particular communities. Unless there is restraint from all sides it will be impossible to move the country further towards true national reconciliation.

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Published 17 December 2013