World news story

Kazakh Renewables Mission delegation met counterparts in the UK

Renewable Energy is a key and emerging priority for Kazakhstan and the UK have significant capabilities, experience and expertise to share with Kazakhstan to develop the Renewables Sector in the Country as well as to transit to “green” economy.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Renewables Mission of Kazakhstan Visits the United Kingdom

Between 19 and 22 February a visit of Kazakh Renewables mission to the UK took place.

The Kazakh Renewables Mission delegation was represented by senior officials from the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Entrepreneurial Department of Akimat of Astana as well as Kazakh business representatives operating in the sector of Renewables – Samruk Energy JSC, Samruk Green Energy LLP and Samruk-Kazyna Invest LLP.

The visit was arranged by the British Embassy Astana to promote UK’s “green” economy experience and expertise and to create and consolidate government and business links in the emerging Kazakh energy market.

During the visit a round table was organised where the delegates met their counterparts from the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, Renewable Energy Unit, as well as UK business and RenewableUK Association representatives to discuss both countries’ “green” economy policies, Kazakhstan’s key priorities in transition to “green” economy, support that the UK could render to Kazakhstan in it as well as opportunities for UK businesses in Kazakh market of Renewables.

During the visit a series of site visits to several facilities and companies were arranged – such as a visit to the Olympic Park - to showcase and share recent UK experience of success in organising and hosting such large scale events as the Olympics in London with Astana hosting EXPO-2017, a straw burning facility in Wales generating biomass energy, Head Office of RES Group - World Leading Renewable Energy Company as well as PwC Office in London, audit and consultancy company – which are considered to be best examples of energy efficient and eco-friendly buildings.

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Published 18 March 2013