News story

Jon Rouse welcomes care and support funding consultation

His blog calls for ‘the widest level of engagement’ with the consultation on care and support funding reform launched on the 18 July.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Elderly couple on the computer

Jon Rouse, Director General for Social Care, Local Government and Care Partnerships, said that the consultation on proposals to give more certainty and peace of mind over the cost of old age or living with a disability would ‘help us assess the likely impact of these proposals in the round and to ensure we end up with the fairest approach possible’.

In his blog, Jon highlights some of the many questions that need to be answered such as ‘how we calculate how a person’s cost will count towards the cap?’ and ‘how will their needs be fairly assessed by local councils?’

He also welcomed ‘enhanced dialogue with local communities that will allow councils to better assess needs and focus support on the people who need it most.’

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Published 18 July 2013