Home secretary sees police collaboration in action
Police forces working together to better serve the public were praised by the home secretary Theresa May during a visit to Suffolk today.

The Home Secretary visited the police investigation centre (PIC) in Bury St Edmonds to see how neighbouring Norfolk and Suffolk forces are sharing resources to help drive down costs and cut bureaucracy. The tour of the PIC included a demonstration of mobile technology and digital evidence.
Home Secretary Theresa May said:
‘Norfolk and Suffolk are shining examples of forces working together to improve efficiency and ensure officers can spend more time on the frontline - where the public wants to see them.
‘When it makes sense to do so, police forces ought to collaborate wherever possible.’
The Home Secretary met representatives from local police authorities as well as officers at all levels, from community support officers to Suffolk chief constable Simon Ash.
The home office is helping to drive police collaboration through projects including the national police air service, which will save £15m a year and will give all forces access to helicopter support 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
We are also introducing a new police ICT company which will see more efficient use of IT by police and ensure innovation and collaboration among forces. These new measures all form part of the government’s comprehensive package of police reform.
Notes to editors
1. The Home Secretary visited the police investigation centre (PIC) in Rougham Road, Bury St Edmonds, on Thursday, 1 March.
2. Suffolk Police have advised that the visit to the PIC is not open to the media.
3. For more information please contact Simon Barrett in the home office press office on 020 7035 3848.