Government hosts talks on parental internet controls
Internet service providers agree to look for fresh solutions to protect children.

Communications Minister Ed Vaizey, Children’s Minister Tim Loughton and Crime Reduction Minister James Brokenshire have hosted a roundtable to discuss giving parents more choice in how the internet in their home is filtered.
Internet service providers joined ministers and representatives from the UK Council for Child Internet Safety to examine the issue and agreed to draw up suggestions on how parents can be helped to protect their children from inappropriate and harmful internet content.
Mr Vaizey said: “Parents are responsible for monitoring their children’s online activities but they must have the tools to be able to protect their children. More needs to be done to help parents protect their children and the roundtable was a useful first step.
“We will continue to work with industry to address the legitimate concerns the public has over children having easy access to inappropriate content.”
Last week, in the third instalment of his Ask Ed Vaizey series, the minister spoke about his aims for the meeting.