News story

Exclusive schedule tender for Housing Possession Court Duty Scheme (HPCDS)

Tender for a limited number of schemes starts 13 August and ends 5pm on 7 September 2018

The Legal Aid Agency (LAA) is inviting organisations to submit a tender for an exclusive schedule under the 2013 Standard Civil Contract (as amended) for a contingency period in specific courts from 1 October 2018.

This is following some organisations not accepting the previous offer to deliver HPCDS services beyond 30 September 2018.

The tender is open to any organisation that has successfully verified its tender for a contract in the Housing and Debt categories through the main, supplemental or further face to face procurement processes.

Contracts will be offered for an initial period of 12 months subject to the LAA’s rights of early termination and the right to extend the contract up to a further 1 year.

Schemes available through this tender

The LAA is offering up to four contracts in each of the following schemes through this procurement process:

  • Bodmin and Truro
  • Chichester, Horsham and Worthing
  • Colchester
  • Winchester

These schemes will be scheduled through rotas. Successful organisations will be required to attend and deliver HPCDS services where requested by clients at all housing possession listings included in the relevant scheme during their allocated rota weeks.

How contract work will be allocated

The allocation of contract work to an organisation will depend upon the number of contracts awarded in a scheme. Therefore, organisations must be willing to deliver:

  • a minimum of one week in four, up to;
  • a maximum of all weeks of a HPCDS rota in the scheme tendered for (the entire scheme)

How to tender

Tenders must be submitted using the LAA’s e-Tendering system.

To submit a compliant tender all organisations must submit a response to the Selection Questionnaire (SQ) that forms part of this tender opportunity and submit a response to the relevant Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the category they wish to deliver.

Further information

Civil 2018 contracts tender – to find out more and download the Information For Applicants document

e-Tendering system – to submit your tender

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Published 13 August 2018