Press release

Department of Health response to the Spending Review

Jeremy Hunt and Norman Lamb commented on today's Spending Review.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said:

For decades we have been talking about better integrated health and social care services and today we’ve put our money where our mouth is.

We need to work differently to respond to the changing needs of the population and that means making joined-up services the norm, not the exception.

That’s why we’ve agreed extra money to meet growing pressures, but with conditions that ensure the money is spent where it is needed the most.

The NHS budget will continue to be protected, but at a time when efficiencies are vital this settlement will help make sure we get maximum value out of every pound spent.

Care and Support Minister Norman Lamb said:

This is a truly historic moment for the joining up of health and care around people’s lives.

I am excited about the prospect of working with our integration pioneers to champion the integration of health and care services across the country, and this joint health and care budget will give local areas the freedom and encouragement to drive integration at the frontline.

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Published 26 June 2013