News story

Defra extends RFCC Chair appointments

Four Chairs of the Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) have had their appointments extended

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government
Defra building sign

Defra is extending the appointments of 4 RFCC Chairs: Dr Jonathan Hargreaves as the Chair of the Northumbria RFCC, Professor Robert Van de Noort as the Chair of the South West (Devon and Cornwall) RFCC, Amanda Nobbs as the Chair of Thames RFCC, and Steve Wheatley as the Chair of Anglian (Central) RFCC.

Their terms, which are due to finish on 30 June 2016, will be extended by one year until 30 June 2017. Background details of the RFCC Chairs are as follows:

Northumbria RFCC

Dr Jonathan Hargreaves will have been the Chair of Northumbria RFCC for 3 years on 30 June 2016. He has worked in the water industry in the UK and overseas for over 35 years. He was an executive director with both Northumbrian and Scottish Water and has eight years’ experience in non-executive roles. He lives in Northumberland where he exercises his passion for hill walking. He has a broad knowledge and understanding of FCRM issues and priorities at both a strategic and regional level.

South West (Devon & Cornwall) RFCC

Professor Robert Van de Noort will have been the Chair of the South West (Devon & Cornwall) RFCC for the last 3 years on 30 June 2016. He is currently Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the University of Reading. His previous roles include Dean of the College of Social Sciences and International Studies at Exeter University in Devon, Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Research, Head of the School of Geography, Archaeology and Earth Resources and Professor of Wetland Archaeology. He has strong knowledge of FCRM issues with a different perspective given his academic interests and strong international links.

Thames RFCC

Amanda Nobbs will have been the Chair of the Thames RFCC for the last 7 years on 30 June 2016. She has served as a member of the Inland Waterways Advisory Council and the Environment Agency’s Regional Environmental Protection Advisory Committee. She is a company Director and past Chief Executive at the Council for National Parks. She also holds a number of voluntary environmental roles.

Anglia (Central) RFCC

Stephen Wheatley will have been the Chair of the Anglian (Central) RFCC for the last 8 years on 30 June 2016. He is a chartered civil engineer, who has 31 years experience working for public service organisations, of which 23 were at a senior management level. He has considerable experience of flood and coastal risk management policy and practice, extensive contacts with stakeholders and an in-depth knowledge of the region.

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Published 12 May 2016