News story

Defence Secretary announces plans to better recognise reserves

The Defence Secretary has today announced his intention for new recognition of the contribution reservists make to our armed forces.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon [Picture: Crown copyright]

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon

The Ministry of Defence is considering introducing a post-nominal decoration for all reservists serving 10 years or more.

After a decade of continuous service, personnel would earn the right to signpost their reserve service using letters after their name to identify their contribution to the armed forces.

There are currently more than 22,000 serving reservists and under Future Force 2020 plans that number will increase to 35,000 by 2018.

Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said:

Reservists make a tremendous and growing contribution to our national security. Each is truly twice a citizen, and it is right that we publicly recognise this.

That is why I want to see a new reserve decoration with post nominal letters awarded to all who have provided long term service, regardless of rank. This would ensure that those who sacrifice so much to keep us safe are recognised properly.

The Ministry of Defence review will consider whether these post nominals should be awarded as a new reserve decoration or as part of the volunteer reserves service decoration.

This will be considered as part of the Ministry of Defence’s wider work to examine when, in line with the recommendations set out by Sir John Holmes’ 2014 independent medal review, the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal, currently only available to personnel below the rank of officer, should be awarded to all ranks.

The review into the reserve decoration and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal will report to the Defence Secretary by the end of the year.

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Published 1 October 2014