News story

Crime news: 30 June deadline to accept contract extension

30 June deadline for Crime Contingency Contract holders to accept extension offer; and consultation on 2017 crime contract began 8 June.

Extension offer

All providers holding a Crime Contingency Contract have until 30 June 2016 to accept our offer to extend their contract through to 31 March 2017.

The current contingency contract is due to expire on 10 January 2017.

This extension is needed so that we can:

  • allow the tender process and mobilisation period to be completed so providers can prepare for a new crime contract in 2017
  • ensure continuity of crime services from 11 January 2017 to the start date of the replacement crime contract Letters will be issued to all Crime Contingency Contract holders shortly. Providers will have until 23.59 on 30 June to accept the contract extension.

Any providers who do not accept the extension will retain a contract to the current end date of 10 January 2017. A copy of the template offer letter will be available to download soon – see below.


The LAA entered into a consultation with representative bodies on the content of the 2017 Standard Crime Contract on 8 June 2016.

After the consultation has been completed on 4 July the LAA will invite organisations to tender for this contract. Further details on this process will be published in due course.

Further information

Standard Crime Contract 2010 – to download copy of template offer letter - available shortly

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Published 8 June 2016