News story

CMO: we must work together to make our world safer and healthier

The Chief Medical Officer (CMO) 2019 annual report unites health leaders across the world, calling on governments to face modern health threats.

Professor Dame Sally Davies

In her final annual report as England’s Chief Medical Officer and UK Chief Medical Adviser, Professor Dame Sally Davies outlines the UK’s leading role in global health and highlights the need to share international knowledge and experience.

The report makes clear that by focusing purely on domestic health, we risk failing to control the shifting tide of global threats. Diseases and their determinants do not respect international borders. Ebola, antimicrobial resistance and widening health inequalities are already presenting significant challenges. 

Accompanied by a collection of letters from key world health leaders to the Chief Medical Officer, Professor Davies’ report makes a series of recommendations to secure a prospering health system and population both at home and across the world. 

The Chief Medical Officer calls for recognition that the world is changing, with health threats becoming increasingly similar internationally. By engaging with other countries we can make the NHS more adaptable and sustainable.

Pandemics, genomics and vaccinations, Professor Davies states, are just some of the areas in which we can learn from the successes and mistakes of other nations.

Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies said: 

Investing in global health is the smart thing to do because it is in our mutual interest – it creates a better world for us and for future generations. It helps to keep our population safe.

We should invest in systems and solutions that contribute to making health more equitable, secure and sustainable. What we learn abroad will improve our NHS and support our domestic efforts to make sure no one in the UK is left behind.

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Published 22 July 2019