Press release

Change of Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Montenegro in August 2020

Ms Karen Maddocks has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to Montenegro in succession to Ms Alison Kemp.

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government
Ms Karen Maddocks

Ms Karen Maddocks has been appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Montenegro in succession to Ms Alison Kemp. Ms Maddocks will take up her appointment in August 2020.

Curriculum vitae

Full name: Karen Louise Maddocks

2017 to 2019 Guangzhou, Consul General
2016 to 2017 Guangzhou, Deputy Consul General
2013 to 2016 Beijing, First Secretary and Head of Science and Innovation Network
2012 to 2013 Full-time Language Training (Mandarin)
2009 to 2012 FCO, Deputy Head of Burma and ASEAN Team
2006 to 2009 Hanoi, Political Officer
2002 to 2006 Roles including FCO Desk Officer for Korea and Mongolia, Pitcairn/British Indian Ocean Territory, and Wellington, Political Officer
1998 to 2002 Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO), Teacher Trainer, Anhui Province/ Programme and Recruitment Officer, London

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Published 8 June 2020