News story

Businesses urged to help build Big Society

Prime Minister David Cameron has set out what businesses can do to help to build the Big Society

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Speaking at the Business in the Community Annual General Meeting and Leadership Summit, he explained how the business sector has the power, creativity and enterprise to help tackle some of the most pressing social challenges the UK faces.

Mr Cameron said that Ministers want businesses to sign up to a commitment to responsible business practice and take action in five priority areas where Government would value business commitment the most.

These are:

  • improving skills and creating jobs, for example by increasing the number of apprenticeships
  • supporting small and medium sized enterprises, such as by mentoring a start-up business
  • reducing carbon and protecting the environment
  • improving quality of life and wellbeing though measures such as introducing flexible working
  • supporting your community, for example by encouraging staff to volunteer

The PM said:

As Business in the Community shows every day Britain’s great businesses are not just a force for good in our economy.

You are a force for good in our society too. You have the power, the creativity and the enterprise to help us tackle some of the most pressing social challenges we face.

By meeting our shared responsibilities we will build a shared future. A stronger future and a better Britain.

In the coming weeks, Corporate Responsibility Minister Ed Davey will work with Business in the Community and others to set out how we will encourage every business in the country to make this commitment.

Speeches and transcripts: Business in the Community speech

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Published 2 December 2010