World news story

British Embassy Bratislava: Joint statement of the diplomatic community on LGBTI rights

As Slovakia’s international friends and partners, we join in celebrating LGBTI+ Pride and reaffirm our commitment to protecting and defending the human rights of all.

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
Joint Statement of the Diplomatic Community on LGBTI Rights

Joint Statement

Bratislava, July 17, 2019

As Slovakia’s international friends and partners, we join in celebrating LGBTI+ Pride and reaffirm our commitment to protecting and defending the human rights of all. The first ever Pride March in Banska Bystrica on June 29, along with Pride Marches in Bratislava on July 20 and in Košice on August 24, together with other Pride events, celebrate the important societal contributions of LGBTI+ persons and support respect for all. We hope that these events will continue to expand positive attitudes towards LGBTI+ family members, neighbors, colleagues, and friends.

Everyone is born free and equal in dignity and rights without distinction of any kind, as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our governments have recognized this basic truth, and we stand firmly with the LGBTI+ community and the right for all persons to exercise their universal freedoms. We affirm, too, the principles of the Charter of the Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which prohibits discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation.

We recognize the important contributions of LBGTI+ persons to society. We welcome efforts to secure the human rights of everyone in the Slovak Republic, including LGBTI+ persons, and we encourage government support to initiatives that promote tolerance in Slovak society. Everyone deserves a safe environment free from violence and harassment. Promoting equality is consistent with the international obligations of our governments. We encourage everyone to support and advance all human rights for all. An inclusive and diverse society based on equality, respect, and liberty benefits everyone.


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Published 18 July 2019