World news story

British Consulate-General holds Ramadan Iftar in Al Jiftlik

UK Consul General: Jordan Valley matters to us

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
CG in Jiftlek

The British Consulate General in Jerusalem, in partnership with the Jifltik Local Council and the Jordan Valley PLC member Dr Saeb Erekat, held a Ramadan iftar today in Al Jiftlik village in the Jordan Valley to show the British Government’s strong support for the Palestinian communities living and working in the Jordan Valley. Families from Al Jifltik, heads of nearby villages and Bedouin communities all gathered at the Jiftlik public school to break their fast. The iftar was also attended by the Minister of Local Government Saed Al Koni, the Governor of Jericho Majed Al Fityani, and a number of Palestinian officials.

The Consul General Sir Vincent Fean welcomed the guests and said:

“I am extremely happy to share this meal with the good people of the Jordan Valley in the holy month of Ramadan. We are here to say that this area and the people who live here matter to us a great deal. We are deeply concerned for the well-being of Palestinians and their ability to stay on this land- where they are meant to stay and have the right to work and prosper; the UK will not spare in its effort to help the Palestinians of Jiftlik and the Jordan Valley to overcome the hardships they face in their daily lives. With adequate water and freedom to build, the Jordan Valley can become again what it meant to be- green and prosperous.

The Jordan Valley is an indispensable part of the future contiguous and viable Palestinian state. We strongly support the efforts of US Secretary of State John Kerry to push for peace. We hope soon to hear the decision by the two parties to restart negotiations on a clear, sound basis leading to a just and lasting peace. The UK supports a negotiated settlement leading to a safe and secure Israel living alongside a viable and sovereign Palestinian state; based on 1967 borders with agreed land swaps, Jerusalem as the shared capital of both states, and a just, fair and agreed solution to the issue of refugees.

Earlier in the day, the British Consul General Sir Vincent Fean inaugurated a renovated library at the Jiftlik public school refurbished through funding by the British Government. The Consulate also donated a sound system and a LCD Projector to be used for school and community events in the Jordan Valley. The library and the sound system are a part of a series of projects funded by the British Government in Area C and the Jordan Valley. The British Consulate funded the first community park in the village of Furush Beit Dajan. It purchased modern dairy processing machines to increase the productivity of dairy farms managed by women at Fasayel women cooperative. Most importantly, British Consulate funding has enabled the International Peace and Cooperation Centre to finalize master planning and zoning for Al Fasayel village which will help to protect the residents of Fasyael against the threat of house demolitions and land confiscation.

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Published 19 July 2013